Three ⋆ Part 2

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Dying isn't the last few minutes we have. Dying is the now. We're dying the second we are born. A process of living, as my father said. I thought I had been surviving, and yet, what I was really doing was hanging by a thread. I was loosely held together from collapsing into what seemed to be a death of myself.

Someone rounds the corner of the corridor, just as King Thaddeus and I do, and they bump into me. My minuscule body loses balance, as if the floor was swept from under my feet. I fall over, landing on my ass. Neither the man that knocked me over, nor King Thaddeus, helped me off the ground as they started talking.

"Morning, your majesty. I was just coming to find you." The man glances over to me, his chocolate eyes only laying on me for a few milliseconds before they landed back on their King.

The two of them start walking and I hold back my anger as I gather myself to my feet to join them.

"And who might this be?" He joined close to King Thaddeus's side, confidence radiating off of him just as the sun radiates off the moon to light the night sky. He had to be of high ranking from how comfortable he can walk at his King's side as an equal. "Your potential mate from Arvendon?" he then assumes.

"This is Aurelia Kingsley," King Thaddeus answered. He acted as though I was unimportant, despite the fact I am apparently the only person that can cure him.

"Well good morning Miss Aurelia, I am the King's Hand, Broderick." His light pink lips curl into a welcoming smile, but even I could see the hidden worry behind it.

What was he was worried about? I have no idea, but it left a feeling in my bones that is indescribable. His eyes trial to my outfit, a questioning tint asking why I would wear just a large shirt instead of a dress.

"I wouldn't call it good." I look away from him, holding my head high, but glancing out the corner of my eye to King Thaddeus.

King Thaddeus groans slightly, already done with putting up with me for the day.

Broderick wasn't surprised with my response as his eyes fall down to his feet, acting as though they were the most interesting thing he has ever seen. "Your majesty, I hope you aren't too busy?"

"Not at the moment. Why?" King Thaddeus continued his long strides. With each step he took, I was taking at least two. My legs were moving fast to keep up, yet he walked at his slow and steady pace.

"Elora was looking for you. She had a question." Broderick shifts his gaze to his King as he takes the same long strides.

"What was her question?" King Thaddeus's voice changed to something soft, making my mind wonder to who Elora could possibly be.

Maybe the reason King Thaddeus wants me to heal his heart so bad? Another potential mate he will ultimately kill?

"She wanted to know at what point does fire become too much fire.." Broderick seemed a little nervous now, his confidence slowly fading with each word spoken and his pace made its way to a stop.

King Thaddeus immediately stops walking. His body shifts to face Broderick. "Did you ask her why she wanted to know that?"

"She didn't say-"

"You know her, Broderick!" King Thaddeus yells, his body language far from being furious though. "Where is she?" He then questions.

Was he worried? Scared? Concerned? I believe he was all three as Broderick replied,

"The old watch tower."

That was all it took for both King Thaddeus and Broderick to take off in a frenzy to find this so called Elora. I chase after them, not wanting to get lost in this gigantic castle and maze of halls.

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