Chapter 16

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After we ate lunch, me and Mar walked out of the pizza place. Noel waved happily behind us. She's not going to leave me alone, is she?

"Joseph... w-would you come with me for a bit?"

Huh? I looked at Mar.

"Sure. Where to?"

Mar blushed.

"C-can we head to my place-I-if it is okay."

To Mars place? My heart started to beat a little faster. What did she mean by that?

"I-I just don't want to walk home alone..."

Mars face crimsoned.

"O-ok. Let's go then."

Mar looked at me surprised.

"Are you sure?"

"Yea. I'm sure."

Mar smiled happily at me. She grabbed ahold of my hand and pulled me with her outside of the walkway. We walked down a few streets and past the amusement park. The suns starting to go down...

Mar and I stopped at a two story house. The house is painted white, and has a little covering above the door.

Mar pulled me to the door and unlocked it.

"Mom!" Mar said faintly, "I'm home."

"Come in dear."

Mar pushed open the door.

"I brought a guest..."

Inside a tall, light haired woman sat at a high table. She has a white sweater on, and blue jeans. She smiled at us as we walked in.

"Oh!" she stood up and walked over to us, "So this is the boy you've been talking about!"


Mars blush worsened.

"Oh, I'm sorry dear. I didn't mean to embarrass you."

Mar pouted her cheeks. She's cute when she does that...

Mars mom looked sad for a moment.

"Dear. Can you please take off that sweater? It's hot in here."

Mar nodded her head. She hesitantly let go of my hand and started to walk off.

She turned around and said "I-I'll be right back."

Mar ran off upstairs.

Mars mom stood from her seat, walked up to me and put out her hand.

"Thank you Joseph. Thanks for taking care of my youngest."

Your youngest?

"It's no problem. I should tell you that I really do... how do I say it... I-"

"You love her?"

It feels weird she should say that...

"Yes... I do."

Mars mom smiled happily.

"I'm glad she found you. Come-sit down."

Mars mom walked back to her seat and motioned for me to sit down.

I walked nervously to the seat across hers.

We stared at each other awkwardly. Especially because she's my girlfriends mom. I have no idea what to say. Or if I should say anything... I don't want to say something wrong...

"You know dear, I know I've already said it, but.... thank you. Mar has become a lot happier because of you."

Mars mom smiled.

"You know... she's really brightened up my world too. I just don't think I've... noticed how much..."

Mars mom chuckled.

"It warms my heart to see that you are actually sincere. If you weren't... well, let's just say I have another place for a grave in my backyard."


Mars mom laughed.

"I'm just joking. Don't worry. Besides, you're harmless."


"Well, anyways, as long as you take care of my daughter, you'll be welcome here."

"I-I will. I'll take care of her, Mrs...."

Mars mom smiled.

"My names Marline."

"Well, I'll take care of your daughter Mrs. Marline. I won't let her go. I promise."

Marline smiled fondly.

Something's still bugging me...

but should I ask?

Should I...

"Um... If I can ask..."

Marline rolled her eyes.

"You can ask me for whatever you need."

"Y-you said Mar was the youngest. So does that mean she has a sister?"

Marline frowned.

I hope I didn't say something I shouldn't have...

"Y- You don't have to tell me-it was stupid of me for asking."

Marline shook her head.

"No, it's ok. You would have heard it sooner or later," Marline sighed," I bet you wonder why Mar is always wearing those sweaters of hers."

"I-I suppose... I have."

"Well... the thing is. Her sister had made them for her. A few years ago. Mar and her sister went to another school. Though... her sister was often bullied. Yet-Mar always brightened up her day. They would always play together. And she would make a lot of those sweaters for Mar. But..."

Tears built up in Marlines eyes.

"One day. I found out she was cutting herself. Margret... that was her name. She made the sweaters to cover her scars. Eventually she started to become more and more distant. I would often hear her mumbling about how people called her "sweater girl" and- worse names. Mar tried her best to talk to her, but Margret never had time. She was always crying in her room. I didn't know what to do. I wanted to help her. But in my weakness... I couldn't. It was too late. One day-I found Margret had let herself bleed to death in her bathtub. I tried to call the police- I tried to save her! It was just not to be. And Mar. She's such a strong girl. She always wears her sister's sweaters, so that she doesn't have to let go. That's why. Before you came into her life... It felt as if Mar was becoming distant from me. Just like Margret. That's why I want you to promise me. Never leave my daughter."

Mars sister... killed herself. Is that why... Mar. I didn't know...

"I promise."

Marline smiled and wiped the tears from her eyes.

"It feels good to get that off my chest. Thank you dear."

"I-I'm back."

Mar walked down the stairs in a thin white t-shirt. Her arms are a little pale... she's not wearing a sweater. She's actually a little skinny.

I stood up and ran up to her. I hugged her around her waist.


Mar looked at me confused.

"It's nothing Mar... I just... I just want to hold you. I promise I won't let you go Mar."

Mar blushed.

"P-please not in front of my mom..."

"It's okay dear. This boys a keeper. Take care of him, ok?"

Mar pouted.


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