How could you Adam?

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It was the very first day living together in Adam's house. Rebel woke up and Adam followed.

"Wait, how did you get here?"-Adam

"What do you mean?"-Rebel

"I could of sworn I saw this beautiful face in my dreams. I guess I'm living the dream"-Adam

"Geez you scared me, I thought you were going crazy"-Rebel laughed

"Just crazy for you, babe"-Adam

He leaned in for a kiss. But Rebel denied it.

"Come on let me kiss you"-Adam

"Can't you resist me for once? What if I wasn't here? What would you do? Kiss your pillow?"-Rebel

"No, I'm not that weird. Why would I kiss a pillow? I would have to put your picture on top of it and then make out with it."-Adam

"Eww, Adam"-Rebel

"So can I kiss you now or do I have to make out with a pillow?"-Adam

"Well, I don't want to be replaced by a pillow. Come here babe"-Rebel

Adam kissed her.

"We still have to unpack the boxes"- Rebel said in between kisses.

"Mmhm"-Adam hummed against her lips.

Rebel finally released her lips.

"Come on"-Rebel

"One more?"- Adam

Rebel gave him one last passionate kiss.

"Let's go"-Rebel


So they began to unpack the boxes and they finished around noon.

"Hey babe, do you want to go out to lunch?"-Adam

"Sure, babe"-Rebel

They went to a little restaurant and sat down.

"I'm gonna use the bathroom real quick"-Adam

"Alright babe"-Rebel

Then all of a sudden a man came up to Rebel.

"Excuse me miss, um, my sister is in the hospital she's having a baby and my phone just died so I'm charging it right now. Can I use your phone to get in touch with her to make sure she's okay?"

"Yes of course, have a seat"-Rebel

At that time, Adam came out of the bathroom seeing Rebel with another man. He hid behind a wall to see what was going on between them. Once the man finished using Rebel's phone he thanked her and kissed her cheek and ran to where his phone was charging. Adam made his way to the table.

"Hey, you were in there a long time"-Rebel

"Who was that guy and why did he kiss you?"-Adam was furious

"It's not what you think. He-"-Rebel

Adam interrupted her.

"You know what, I don't care"-Adam got up and walked away.

"Adam"-Rebel yelled

Adam turned back.

"Don't even bother coming home"-Adam

Rebel sat back down and started to cry. The man came back a few minutes after Adam left and tapped on Rebel's shoulder.


"Oh, hi"-Rebel tried hiding her tears

"Um, my sister had a girl"

"Oh congratulations"-Rebel

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