Chapter 8 - The Fight

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 I wake up feeling much better than I had in a long time. I stretch and clamber out of my bed. I look and see my school bag and books are laid out on the desk. Oh man I totally forgot that I have to go back to college today! I check the time and it’s 8:15am. “Crap crap crap” I whisper to myself. I shove the books in my bag and run to the bathroom. I jump in the shower and wash my hair. After my wash I switch the shower off and run to my room with a towel around my body. I pull my clothes on and dry my hair. I check the time again and it is 8:30am. I run down the stairs with vampire speed and Sammy is there waiting for me. “Get in the car and I’ll drop you off!” He ushers me out of the door and I jump in the front seat. I watch as he leaves the house and locks the door behind him. He jogs round to the driver’s seat and gets in. He turns the key in the ignition and it purrs to life. He slams on the accelerator and we are at my college in less than two minutes. “Thanks Sammy, love you” I say as I kiss him on the cheek. “I love you too,” he shouts as I run into the building. I check to see if anyone is on the stairs and I can tell that there isn’t anyone. I run up the stairs in my new speed and I step through into the corridor. Looking around I can see there are a few students hanging around so I have to use my normal speed. I walk to my first lesson which is Law and push the door open. Everyone turns to stare at me. “What the hell are you all looking at? Take a picture it would last longer you morons” I say angrily. I take my seat at the back of the classroom. “Good morning class, sorry I’m late I had a run in with someone” The teacher says whilst walking through the door. “Why do we care?” I mutter to myself. He walks to the front of the classroom and writes the work up on the whiteboard. “Everyone get on with your work please. Miss Blake I want a word with you outside” He says whilst walking to the door. Uh-oh what have I done now. I climb out of my seat and leave the classroom. I look at sir and he says “I told you about my run in this morning. Well he told me to give you a message Phoebe. He said he will get you and that no matter what you will die. Oh and his name is Leo,” I jump back. We enter the classroom and I sit back in my seat. I carefully slide my phone out of my pocket and text Sammy. Sam we have a problem, Leo compelled my teacher into giving me a message. I’m worried Sam, I may be a Hybrid but he is older and stronger and he could kill me in seconds. I’m going to continue through my day but I’m coming straight home as soon as college is finished and we need to talk about this. I pack my phone away and start doing the work on the board.


 My last lesson of the day has finally ended and I’m heading out of the Horticulture building and I see Flame stood near my locker surrounded by girls. I stand behind him and keep quiet. “So Flame. How come your eyes are such a red-brown colour?” the little brunette asks. He smiles at her in a flirtatious way. “I wear contacts,” he says sweetly. The little liar, I can tell that he is not wearing contacts with my new and improved eyes. I turn around and see his face. It doesn’t show any hint of him lying. He is a brilliant liar. I wonder what else he lies about. Under the mask of badness I wonder if he really is a good person. He turns around and looks directly to where I am standing. He winks at me. I feel my cheeks burn red and I quickly walk off in the direction of home. As I wearily leave the Campus gates I look around for any signs of danger. I walk briskly whilst pulling my phone out of my pocket. I check to see if I have any messages and I don't. “Dammit Sam!” I mutter to myself. I shove the phone back in its pocket and look up to be met by Brandon. I scream and jump backwards. “Holy shit! Are you crazy? You nearly gave me a heart attack you idiot!” I scream at him. He raises his eyebrow at me.

 “Wow, you are really jumpy today Phoebs! What’s wrong?” He asks. I shake my head at him and look around. I see him. “Oh no” I whisper. Brandon looks to where I am and sees Leo standing there. As quick as he is there a bus drives by and he is gone. I gulp. Brandon grips my hand firmly. “We have to go. Right now Phoebe!” He says quickly. I nod my head at him and we run as fast as we can without being inhuman. I look back and my new vision allows be to see from far away. He is grinning and walking towards us. “Brandon we have to be quicker, he’s coming.” I scream. I hear a menacing laugh from behind me but I refuse to look back. With the house in sight and no one around we use our inhuman speed to reach the door. Brandon grabs his key and quickly puts it into the door. He twists and opens it. He steps inside and I am just about to cross the threshold when a hand yanks me back. I’m thrown to the floor and I cry out as my leg is snapped in half. I sit up quickly and snap it back into place. I wince and take a breath. Leo stands before me and says “Phoebe, you knew I was coming and yet you still continued your stupid day at school. I wonder if you are becoming soft,”

 “Oh believe me, I could kick your ass in a heartbeat,” I say whilst grinning at him. He just glares at me. “Prove it!” He shouts. I stand up and run at him. He dodges easily and I attack again. This time he grips my hand and flips me to the ground. His mocking laugh echoes around.


 I watch as Phoebe is thrown to the floor with ease. I feel terrible for not helping her but I am not strong enough to fight a Hybrid. I know that and she knows it too. Grabbing my phone out of my pocket I quickly dial Sam’s number. It goes straight to voicemail. Damn. “Sam wherever you are I need you to get your ass down here and help Phoebe. Please!” I scream it down the phone. I hear a loud scream and Leo has driven something metal through her stomach and it has pinned her to the ground. Once again I quickly dial Kathy’s number. She answers on the first ring. “You need to get down here. Leo is trying to kill Phoebe, he just stabbed her with something metal and I can’t help her. Please hurry!” I scream. There was a silence and then an answer. “I’m on my way. Be prepared for the cavalry,” She hangs up on me and I stand by the door hoping, praying that somehow she would be ok.


 I feel the metal pole in my stomach. It has sliced through my bladder and intestines. I can feel the blood pouring out of me. I grip it firmly and try to pull it out but I’m too weak. I can feel myself fading away quickly and I don’t want this. Not yet. “Step away from the girl” I hear someone say. I watch as Leo turns around and says “Are you going to make me Taylor?” What the hell is he doing here? He is going to get himself killed. I close my eyes and when I open them I see Taylor and Leo fighting, I watch as Leo pins him to the floor and says “You can’t beat me, no one can,” That’s when I hear the shouting coming from down the street. I carefully turn my head and see people- more likely vampire- heading towards us. What surprises me the most is that my Auntie Kathy is leading them here. One second they are at the bottom of the street the next they are stood in front of the house. “Leave Leo, and don’t come back. This is your decision to make, you will either leave or we will all make you leave” My Auntie shouts in a commanding voice. I see him glance at me. He runs up beside and me and whispers in my ear. “Don’t you worry honey, you will be my girl forever. I will see you very soon,” He plants a soft, delicate kiss on my lips and runs off. I stare up into the blazing sun and I feel a warm hand land on my face. “Phoebe, talk to me, are you alright?” the voice seems very distant and I need to rest. To heal. I can feel the pole being pulled out of me and I cry out in pain. It feels so good now that it isn’t there anymore. I can’t feel the wound healing and it worries me. I open my mouth to say something but something covers it and a nice warm liquid rolls down my throat. It smells so good. I swallow the blood graciously. The wound heals over and I try to sit up and a man helps me. It’s Taylor. “Thank you,” I whisper. He nods his head at me and walks away. Auntie Kathy helps me stand up. I look at her and say “I’m so sorry, I didn’t realise how much danger I was in,” She smiles at me. “Don’t worry about it. No one knew what was going to happen my dear,” She says softly. I didn’t know that there was someone behind me until he wraps his arms around me. “Hi honey, I’m so sorry I wasn’t here to protect you,” I turn around and look into his beautiful green eyes. “It’s fine, I love you Sammy,” He smiles his dazzling smile and he whispers to me. “I love you too Phoebe. Now, let’s go inside and get some rest. Okay?” I nod at him and we head inside. Brandon is stood there waiting for us. “Why the hell didn’t you answer your phone? I was calling you to tell you what happened but it went straight to voicemail!” He shouts at Sam. I flinch back because his voice sounds loud against my eardrums. “Look, I’m sorry but I had other things to deal with. I love Phoebe but I had to be somewhere else,” He screams. “SHUT UP!” I scream as loud as I can. They both turn to look at me and I waltz off into the living room and sit down on the sofa carefully. I feel dreadful. Sam walks over to me and says “Phoebe, Ashleigh’s funeral is coming up and her family want you to be there,” I look at him and say “Ok, I suppose it is the least I can do when I am the one who got her killed,” He nods at me and sits next to me. “I love you Phoebs!” He plants a soft delicate kiss on my cheek. “I love you too Sammy! When are we going to have to leave?” I ask him. He thinks for a second before saying “We will need to leave tomorrow evening to get there for the morning!” I nod at him and snuggle into his warm chest. I’m so happy that I have Sammy back. I need him and a life without him would kill me I think to myself. I close my eyes and let sleep take me over.

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