Chapter 3 - Samuel's Story

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I look at the clock and it reads 10:48pm. I don't want to keep Phoebe up; even though it is a Friday, but I know she needs to hear this. I take a deep breath in to steady myself. I really don't want to worry Phoebe or make her cry, even worse I don't want her hating me. “I’m ready,” she whispers around a mouth full of ice cream. A smile tugs at my lips and I nod at her. I remember the day like it happened yesterday and I am glad I cannot sleep because it will haunt me as well as when I am wake. I take a deep breath and begin.

“It happened 98 years ago; yeah I am that old but technically I'm 18,” I smile over to Phoebe who giggled a cute giggle, “It was a beautiful sunny day and my family and I had planned to go to theme park called SeaWorld; I was so lucky to have a family who loved me and who would do anything for me. It was a great place but we hadn’t been there for a long time; and I have not gone back since. My dad packed lots of water and provision because it was a really hot day; and well, my family ate like pigs,” the memories came flooding back to me of all my family, I smile at the memories of birthdays and Christmas, the times we want to the beach; but there long gone and it's better to stay in the present, “We all piled into the car. Meaning me, my mum, dad and my younger twin brother and sister. The journey was long and boring but I slept most of the time. When we arrived at the park my little sister woke me up by shaking me and saying in a such happy voice 'we are here Sam', I glanced out of the window and sure enough I could see my favourite ride already. We happened to get a spot near the front of the theme park and all of us climbed out. We got to the gates and the line was so long. I get frustrated under the sun and angry but my dad told me 'be patient and what you desire the most will eventually come to you' we waited longer and we neared the front. My brother and sister were pushing in front of me so I pushed back and my dad said to me 'to dbe a gentleman you have to be polite and let people go first and you will get more respect in being a gentleman' so I let my family go in front of me and we got to the front. The man asked for our tickets so dad handed in everyones but mine which I handed in myself after they went through. I walked through the theme park and I always get this wonderful feeling every time I walk through the gate. The place was packed and people wre pushing each other; the air was so sticky from the heat and be so many bodies but it was a relief to go on the first ride and all the fresh air cooling my face," I can picture that I am there that much that I can feel the air on my face and it lifting my hair," I went on all of the rides apart from one which we all went on at the very end. Luckily, this year the Twins were both tall enough and old enough to get on this ride. It was called Manta. It was a scary looking ride but it was always great. We always had fun on it, until that day. We all met up and had lunch, I was literally jumping off the floor with excitement to go on Manta. We all lined up and the sky was darkening because it was getting late but that meant the air was cooling. We all finally got onto the Manta ride and it lifted us up so we were all laying flat on our bellies; me and my siblings were so happy and excited the my parents told us to keep still. I was sat on the end with the twins sat next to me, then it was my mum and dad. The ride got off to a great start, the drops tickled our stomachs and my siblings and I were squealing with happiness, the air was cold on my face and it lifted my hair up. My eyes watered with the cold but I was so happy, until we were above the rocks where everything stopped. The entire ride stopped and we all got worried. The twins got scared and started to cry but I kept reassuring them everything would be fine. It wasn’t and I lied”. Tears pricked my eyes and threatened to fall over but I quickly wiped them away before Phoebe could see it. “We heard the rollercoaster squealing under the pressure of all the people and it became hard to keep in the seats because they came slippery with the weather. The squealing stop and I thought it was going to be fine, but just like that it wasn’t, the bar that held us all in became loose and all of our seats came undone and we began to fall. I grabbed onto the metal bar with my feet and hands and held on tight. I saw the rest of my family trying to do the same. The strange thing is that it was only our cart that had come loose. Everyone elses were fine. I heard people behind us screaming for help, to try and save us as my family dangled there. That’s when the worst possible thing could have happened. The rollercoaster jolted forward and I watched as I saw both my parents fall. I screamed and screamed and the twins were screaming and crying. I saw their body laying there limp. I wanted the twins to stop screaming because they were hurting my ear and I couldn't think, but now I know that them not screaming is worse. That’s when my sister Libby said 'Sam I can’t hold on any longer'. Sirens wailed from near us and the fire trucks arrived. They started getting the ladder together when my brothers hand slipped next to Libby and he fell screaming 'mummy.'” I know I'm not crying on the outside because Phoebe has to know I am strong and that memories can't hurt me so when she needs me she will know I will be strong for her, however I am breaking up inside and I am mentally crying inside. Phoebe gasped and puts the ice cream down on the table and she moves closer to me, I put my arm around her and I let her cry on my shirt. “They were dead and I knew it. Libby was the only one I could save. I had to save her. Then she slipped and she started to fall but I grabbed her hand and I refused to let go. I told her 'I won't let go no matter what Libby'. I could feel my own hand slipping and she said 'I love you Sam but I am pulling you down I am too heavy, only one can live and it needs to be you because I will never be the same' I didn't understand what she was getting at but that’s when she let go. I watched her fall and I screamed 'LIBBY!' as hard as I could until I had to suck in air. I heard the sickening crunch as her body connected with rocks. I couldn’t leave my family like this so I knew what I had to do. I had to let go, and I did. But I didn’t fall far when the fireman caught my arm and dragged me onto the ladder. 'You’re OK kid, I’ve got you' he said to me and then he carried me down the ladder towards safety. We reached the end of the ladder and he passed me to one of the other firemen and he took me to the ambulance. They kept saying I was in shock and they kept shining lights in my eyes. I passed out and they took me to the hospital where I was kept in overnight for observation. I was eight and I’d lost everything.”

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