Chapter 10 - Finding Out The Truth

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I walk slowly through my college heading towards my last lesson; astronomy. I don't know why I picked it because it is the most boring subject I have ever done in all my life. To think I used to hate Maths but now I would rather do that than bloody astronomy. Luckily for me I know that the teacher blabbers on so it should be an easy lesson to get through. It's a shame that it is an hour long. I see someone walk into my astronomy class before I get there so I speed up to see who it is. As I turn into the opening for the class I notice that it is just Flash. I should have guessed because of the white hair; no one should have white hair unless you are an old Grandad. Sensing my thoughts Flash turns around to glare at me. I grin at him and take my usual seat at the back of the class. I watch as Flash makes his way to his seat in the far corner of the room. Surprisingly, when the door opens it is not our teacher that walks through. The man at the front of the room is tall, blonde hair and he looks quite young, maybe in his 20's. “Hello class, my name is Leo, unfortunately your teacher has called in sick and I am here to take his place until he is well enough to return to college.” He says. He walks to the middle of the classroom and starts us off with a discussion about what we have already learnt in astronomy.


 BRIIIIIIIIIING! The sound of the ear piercing bell reverberated through me; finally the long boring day had come to an end. As I left the classroom I saw Nymph walking towards me. Or rather, to her darling friend Flash. The closer she came to me the more agitated I felt. I could feel the anger roll off me towards everyone surrounding me. I walk quickly so that I can finally get out of this school but then I feel a hard shove and my face meets the black lockers. I can feel the blood trickling down the side of my face and I can hear the hackle of laughter coming from behind me. I spin round and come face to face with Flash. “What was that for dickhead?” I say menacingly.

“Well you know, I dislike you and I really wanted to hurt you so what better way than to put your face into a locker!” He says sniggering.

“Let's settle this properly, tonight at the greenwood park, 10pm. Don't be late. Bring your back up; I would if I were you.” I say whilst grinning.

“Until then!” He whispers. Both he and Nymph saunter off in the opposite direction and I head out of the school building. I begin my short trek to Holly's house. As I walk up to the door a strange vibe passes through me. I don't know what it is but I knock on the door anyway. Her mother answers the door and says “Well hello there Flame, it's nice to see you again. Oh my, what happened to your head?”

“It's great to see you as well Mrs Redwood. It's nothing, just some high school bullies but I'm fine” She nods at me and walks away just as Holly appears. She pulls me into the house and drags me to her room. As soon as she slams the door she screams at me. “WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED?” I wince as she starts shouting and going crazy. I quickly stand up and clamp my hand over her mouth. “Finally I can speak. Flash pushed me into some lockers I hit my head and it started bleeding so I told him that we would settle it tonight at the greenwood park at 10pm and he should bring back up. So basically we are going to have an all-out battle with all of the elements. This is going to be fun!” I tell her. She looks at me with wide eyes and says “What the fuck were you thinking you idiot? They could kills us so easily because Nymph controls water which she could drown us with and Flash could remove the air from around us just like he did to Phoebe”

“Do not mention her! I know they could kill us but I can burn them to death and you can choke them with your roots” I snap. I'm angry and I feel bad for snapping at her like that but I do not want that bitch Phoebe to be mentioned around me anymore. She already ruined my life once and I don't want it happening again.

We are finally going to meet after all of this time. We were basically enemies during our college life. We were actually going to fight it out. It's going to be interesting to see what actually happens. I'm not scared though. I have nothing to worry about...I hope.



This is bad, very bad. I honestly think this is the stupidest idea that Flame has ever thought of. The dumbfuck decides to fight the other people who can control the other elements. I don't know how this is going to end but I think at last one of us will end up dead. It's completely insane! If he doesn't die tonight I'm going to kill him myself. Well...that is if I don't die.



I check my phone and it is 10:01pm, they are late. Holly and I stand waiting for them in GreenWood Park, we are not happy about them being late but it is just typical. A branch snaps and both our heads move to where the noise came from. I see something moving towards us in the dark.  As I turn towards the people I would be fighting tonight I shouted to them. “You’re late”.

“I couldn’t care less” Flash sneered at me. We all glare at each other, I see the cloud getting darker and I know that Flash and Nymph are starting to manipulate the weather, Holly notices too and begins to raise her hands in the air and I see small roots protruding from the ground, she is going to wrap them up so they can’t do anything. That’s when I hear it, the whispering. “Do you hear that?” I ask them, Nymph laughs at me and continues manipulating the weather and says to me “You aren’t going to distract us that way” I glare at her and look at Holly who looks like she is listening for something. “I hear it Flame, someone’s talking” Holly says back to me. Flash nods at Nymph and they both stop with the weather. As they listen they nod at each other and start walking towards the voices, I quietly make my way over with holly close behind me and we look through a bush, I recognise one of them but I can’t quite remember who he is. “Wait, isn’t that Dean? Didn’t he save Phoebe when we tried to kill her?” Holly whispers. A bulb lit up in my head and I instantly remember him. “Listen!” I whisper. They all nod and we listen intently to what they are saying. “The time has come Dean to finally take over the human race and make ourselves the god of this world.  Then we will kill Phoebe Blake after all, this is going to be very difficult now as she is gaining her powers but we must catch her off guard, we must kill that stupid Samuel as well. Kill him first; it will torture her to see him gone. Firstly we are going to do a ritual to summon the devil, then he is on our side and we can easily pick her group of friends off. Then we will deal with Samuel and Phoebe. Phoebe’s death will be horrifying and will cause her so much pain. That’s the plan, I will contact you when we are going to do the ritual so be prepared for an unexpected phone call” Leo says. Dean nods at him and they part ways quickly. “I quickly look at the other and say “We cannot let them take over the human race, if they find out we have powers they might manipulate us into using them against Phoebe.” Holly looks at me with a sharp look and also a confused look “What happened to you hating phoebe and wanting to kill her?” She says. I sigh “Look, no matter how much I dislike Phoebe we cannot let her die, she is free will and we must do everything in our power to protect the human race, we are meant to work together for god sake and tonight we were going to kill each other. If we work together and warm Phoebe then we can save the world and we can save each other. She is the only one who can defeat Dean and Leo, she is the strongest of all of us, and she just doesn’t know it yet. We can’t just let her die!” I say forcefully. I look over at Nymph and Flash, he looks at me and says “You are right, we must warn her before this gets even more out of hand, we are going to do this as a team, because that is what we are meant to be” All of us nod our head in synch and we shake each other’s hand. “Let’s find Phoebe then, the last time I saw her she was heading for some small town, I can’t remember what it is called but I know the way to it so I suggest we go home, pack the necessities and then meet up her tomorrow morning at 8am.” Everyone nods they’re heads and me and Nymph and Flash head off in the opposite direction to me and Holly. “Are you sure you want to do this Flame? It’s risky!” Holly says. “I know it is but we aren’t going to let the world suffer, we have to try and help” I answer back to her. She nods at me and places her hand on top of mine. “I trust you” She whispers. We finally reach her house and I let her go inside. “Goodnight Flame, see you in the morning.” She whispers. I flash her a smile and wave goodbye and I quickly ran to my home, I sneak in the door and quickly make my way upstairs. I quickly put my things in a small bag, some clothes, toothbrush, phone, pocket knife and a gun, just to be safe. I lay down in bed thinking about the eventful day we are all going to have tomorrow. Let’s hope everything goes ok. I close my eyes and feel sleep take over.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2014 ⏰

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