Chapter 6

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_________Thomas's POV__________

I walk down the hallway and out and through the common area. I walk to the familiar grey hallway. I walk a few steps be for the sweet smells of laundry detergent fill my nose. I walk to the laundry room to here the washing machines and dryers going off. I walk in and pick out some new shirts and a couple new pairs of pants. I walk over the the sweater section to see a white hoodie. I pull it out to see that it's almost identical to the one Newt had in the glade, Newt's favourite sweater to be exact. I put it in my bag of clothes and then grab a new pair of boots before heading out. I walk down the grey hallways and out to the common area where it used to be crowded by people but is now empty. I look in the window to the cafetiria where I see Newt, Minho and Tori all trying to escort guards. I set my bag of clothes down and run into the room. Newt throws me a gun. I catch it before helping them push guards out. We follow behind them and a whole army of guards is outside. Soon Hunter comes out with Teresa and they both help us fight.

The army of guards grew quickly and soon it was six against what felt like a million only turned out to be around 20. Tori pressed a button on the Walkie-Talkie she had and some of the guards from our place came out. One of them hands me a leather jacket before running off firing his gun. I start shooting guards. Tori looks over and smiles at me with a cheeky smile before turning arond and pretty much fist fighting a guard, but it didn't last long before the wicked guard was hit right in the temple. The fight was going on for awhile. My shoes were filled with sand and I was sweating a lot. The numbers lowered in guards and one of them cocked their gun. Newt shot that guard in the arm and the guard hit the trigger sending a bullet flying. Tori fell to the ground clutching her leg. I looked over at her. Her face clearly in pain as tears rush down her face. She wipes her face in her free blue sleeve from her over sized jumper. I didn't realize what had happened until she showed me her blood covered hand. She placed her palm back on her leg. before resting her head on her head on her knee. I could tell she was hiding the fact she was crying. A couple of guards picked her up and brought her inside. I continued to fight off the guards.

It wasn't to long before the guards retreated. I went inside where one of the doctors met us at the door.

"hello my name is Kaitlyn and I'm one of the doctors here. Now I know Thomas knows this but the rest of you guys don't. Tori was shot." The doctor says. "She was shot in the leg not to long ago when Newt shot the guard, that same guard shot Tori after being shot by Newt" her explanations were confusing. I look over at Newt who's face is super pale. She leads us down a hallway where we can talk more about what happened.

We get into the hallway where we all sit on chairs next to each other. No one says a word. We all just stare straight ahead. The screeching sounds from wheels echo through the hallway as we sit. A strecher rolls by with the a body on top of it. I look at the sleeve of the arm hanging off and it's the blood soaked light blue sleeve of the over sized jumper Tori was wearing today. Newt sprung up from his chair speed walking next to the strecher.

"Looks like someone's love struck." Hunter laughs and Minho joins her.

______Newt's POV______

I walk after the strecher and follow it to the doctors office. A tall dark skinned lady stops me at the door.

"Sorry hon but you can't go in there." She says

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