Chapter One: Boredom

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           It was a Sunday morning and you were reading the book Reji ordered you to read for your book report. It was a bit of a pain, but you actually quite enjoyed the book. You were sitting sideways in a long, leather couch, your book covering the sunlight coming from the window. The manor was constantly kept dimly lit, so you had gotten accompanied to the darkness and preferred it. Although sometimes you liked the warm feeling of the sun on your skin.
           A shadow creeped over your arms, but you ignored it. It must just be a cloud, it'll pass soon. You waited a little, but the shadow instead got closer, covering more of your skin. Then a hand pulled your book down, showing a smirking man with reddish-brown hair. Ugh, why is Laito here again? You rolled your eyes and made contact with him, glaring into his playful green ones.

           "Laito I'm busy reading."

           He giggles, "Aww~Bitch-chan~I want your attention." He inched closer to you and you noticed he was in between your legs. You blushed, hiding your face with the book and pushed him off the couch.

           "L-Laito!" your face grew a darker shade of red,"Leave me alone, I have to read."

           You looked at him, his face was on the opposite side of the couch, his chin resting on the plush, red armrest, and his lips in a playful pout. You rolled your eyes and flipped yourself up right so your legs were no longer on the couch and your back was slightly sinking into the large pillows. You pulled your book up close to your face but your glanced at him, biting your lip and hiding it with the corner of the book. Damn. He really is attractive, you thought, No! (Y/n) get those thoughts out of your head! You have a book report! You shook your head, snapping out of your trance and continued reading. In one swift movement, Laito had grabbed the book before you could even finish reading the sentence.

           "Ugh, Laito, gimme my book back!" You said reaching for it.

           He stood up and raised his arm, the book was out of your reach. You tried grabbing it again, this time getting off of the couch, but Laito pushed you back onto the couch and shifted his vacant hand to the wall behind you.

           You were inches apart and he smirked,"Bitch-chan, why don't you stop and play with me?"

           You broke your intense stare at him and rolled your eyes to the side. "Because Reji would punish me" you muttered. You shivered at he thought of him making you write standards till your whole hand cramped again.

           "Hmm?" He smirked, moving his face closer to yours. Your eyes widened as you felt his soft, teasing breath.

           He dropped the book on the ground,"Hey! Careful, I still need that!"

           Taking his hand of the wall, he took a strand of your (h/c) hair and twirled it on his index finger, "You have such nice hair Bitch-chan." He took the strand to his face and smelt it. "Mmm~" He let the strand fall to your face, laying it on the side of your cheek. He grabbed your chin softly and pulled your face up so you were centimeters away from his. I-Is he going to kiss me?!

           But suddenly he chuckled softly and moved to your ear,"Your so damn hot when your flustered (y/n)-chan, it turns me." You flinched as you felt his hand go down to your shoulders, moving your large (f/c) sweater down and exposing your right shoulder. His head dropped down to your neck, his lips caressing your soft skin, teasingly. You could feel him smirk into your skin. You hated to admit it, but you felt excited and curious to what he wanted with you. Suddenly a sharp pain rose from your neck as he pierced your skin with his fangs.

           "A-Ah! La-Laito p-please stop!" He continued, sweeping one of his hands to your waist and pulling you closer, the other on the back of your neck.

           Your hands moved to the back of his head, pulling at his hair, but your hands weakened, 
"Laito...I'm feeling..faint."

           You felt his smooth hair tickle your face as he pulled back and laid you down on the couch,"Till we play again, Bitch-chan" and before you fainted, he was gone from the room.
Well that was long. Sorry! Omg I just noticed this chapter was exactly seven hundred words. *o*. Well, I hope you liked it, I know it's not that good but supportive criticism is welcomed. Thanks for reading the first chapter!

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