Chapter Two: Constant Doubts

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Hai guys! First off does anyone else scream (or scream inside XD) when Laito runs through his hair like that??? Or am I just weird for drooling each time he does XD
           Your eyes fluttered open and the first thing you felt was the cold leather on your skin giving you goosebumps. You stood up, your vision still a little blurry. You turned your head to the window. 'It's night time? How long have I been asleep?!' As you turned your head to the other side, you felt a sharp pain.
           As your massaged the spot that had ached, you remembered what had happened this morning. 'Laito' you rolled your eyes and got up, bending down to pick up the book Laito had dropped. As you were grabbing it you felt a small swish of air pass your back. You swiftly turned but saw nothing. You walked around your room unconsciously trying to read your book, but you just couldn't pay attention to the words, all you could think about was him. 'Was he thinking about kissing me?' that question along with many others repeated again and again in your head. You sat at the edge of your bed, flopped down, dropping the book by your side, and covered your face with your hands. 'No, of course not. He was just using me for my blood' you took your hands of your face and looked at the clock. It was twelve and you did feel tired. 'I guess I can finish the boon tomorrow' You changed into your night gown, or as Laito called it, your "negligee". You flopped into the bed, pulling the covers up to your face. As you closed your eyes and drifted to sleep you had one more thought 'He's a vampire. He doesn't like me or have any romantic feelings for me, he just wants my blood.' You sighed 'Do I want him?'
Sorry for the short chapter. I promise I'll have a longer one tomorrow. I hope you still enjoyed ;)

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