Chapter Three: Confrontation

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Mwuahaha. Why is Ayato the cover for this chapter??? :p XD

It had been a week since that incident, and you've been trying to avoid Laito. Those questions ran through your mind still, and soon enough you couldn't take it. You hadn't been doing so well in school, and even the book report was bad!

It was lunch and the only sound was the sound of glass and metal quietly clanking against each other. On occasion, Kanato would play with his food, making a racket and talking to "teddy". Other than that it was silent. Awkwardly silent. You didn't eat much, all you could think of was your plan to confront him after you ate.

The sound of a moving chair cut your train of thought. It was Shu. Everyone else started to get up and leave. You turned to where Laito was sitting and waited for him to get up, which then you immediately followed him, speed-walking down a hall. When he stopped in the middle of the hall to check the time, you picked up your pace and where about to call his name 'Nows my chance!' "Lai-". You were cut off and bumped into something, or someone.

You looked up and saw Ayato grinning wickedly, with his hand on his hips, "What's the rush, Pancake?" It annoyed you so much that he called out that. You wanted to yell at him but 'first, he's an arrogant vampire, he won't listen to me. And second, I have to catch up to Laito before I lose him'. You simply rolled your eyes and side stepped passed him, rushing again to catch up with Laito, but someone had grabbed your wrist and pulled you to his chest.

You didn't even have to look at him to know it was Ayato. You looked at him unamused, in which he then stared at you sternly,"Hey, I'm not done with you Pancake, you should wait till 'Yours Truly' dismisses you." He put his arm around your waist and your hand up, squeezing you closer to his chest. He licked his lips,"I haven't tasted you for a while," he said as he pushed you roughly into a room,"and I'm thirsty as hell." You backed away as you heard the door click close. In the blink of an eye he had one of your hands pinned against the wall and the other leaning against the wall on the side of your head. He had his trade mark wicked grin on his face as he pulled your (f/c) shirt down, just above your breasts. He chuckled very lightly before he bent his head down. You could feel his lips opening, about to pierce you'd skin. 'Damn!' You sighed quietly 'I'll have to find Laito again later, but for now I'll just have to be prepared for...this" You shut your eyes close, slightly fearful, waiting for him to pierce you.


You opened your eyes, confused. But it soon turned to shock as your eyes widened.

Dun dun DUUUUHN. Sorry for the suspense but this chapter has gone long. Plus I love cliffhangers XP. I'll try to make the next chapter soon. Hopefully in two days or so. See ya soon! -CCKat

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