Chapter Four: Ownership

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You looked over Ayato and saw Laito. But he wasn't smirking or even smiling for that matter. He wasn't playful like usual, instead he seemed serious and kind of pissed off.

"La-Laito?" Ayato turned his head to face him, his hands still trapping you from moving.

"Tch," he stepped closer, "Get your hands off her."

"Wha-? What the hell are you talking about?"

"Don't touch what isn't yours, You selfish spoiled brat."

You were completely shocked, but at the same time you felt like you were saved from Ayato. 'Don't be dumb, (y/n). He just wants your blood himself'. Your doubt started crawling to your mind. 'Don't get cocky, he doesn't love you' You felt hurt, but also, as if your second thoughts were right. But there was still a chance. Right?

"What isn't mine?" Ayato took his arm off the wall and pulled you in front of him. He grabbed your waist and pulled your back close to his chest. He chuckled and dipped his head down. You could feel his nose and lips on your neck, and you could feel him smirk into your skin.

He looked up at Laito with a face that said,"Oh really?" Laito growled and moved closer to you. Ayato chuckled, "I believe 'Yours Truly' has full ownership of..." He trailed off and smirked,"What do you call her, Bitch-chan?" Laito looked furious. He closed his hands into fists and ran up to Ayato. Ayato let go of you and threw you to the side to duck Laito's punch, but instead of running into the wall like you expected, Laito had caught you by your waist and pulled you to the side of him. At the same time, he swung back at Ayato and punched him in the lower side of his stomach with tremendous speed, sending him against the wall and slowly sliding down. Your hands lifted to the side of his chest on instinct. He smirked,"Did Bitch-chan miss me that much?" You then noticed what you were doing and flipped out. You tried pushing away but he pulled you closer, squishing you to the side of his hips. You blushed and looked down.

"Ugh, G-God Dammit La-Laito" he said wiping the blood that was dripping from the side of his mouth,"What...the hell do you think you're doing with (y/n)?" You were shocked. He hasn't said your name since the day you started living in the mansion.

"I'm taking my beloved Bitch-chan" he said with a smirk as he pulled you towards the door. 'Beloved'.

He closed the door behind you, you had one last glimpse of Ayato on the ground, glaring at you.

Laito walked down the hall and you followed behind. It was quiet for a few minutes, but it felt like hours. The silence was killing you. You wanted to confront him like you planned by something was making you hesitate. You just couldn't think of anything other then what just happened. He stopped suddenly and you bumped into him. "H-hey! Why did you stop so suddenly!?" You said. He didn't respond.

After a few seconds of silence you suddenly felt something touch your legs and back. You closed your eyes. When you opened your eyes and looked up, all you saw was Laito looking forward. Then you noticed you were being carried bridal style towards his room. You kicked your legs and squirmed, trying to make him drop you, but he just gripped your arm and leg tighter. 'His hands feel warm'.

He opened the door to his room with his foot and softly laid you on the bed. He sat next to your head and ran his hand through your (h/c) hair; he sighed. 'Why is he being so gentle?'  You felt his redish-brown hair tickle your cheeks as he kissed your forehead softly. You twitched and immediately stood up, positioning yourself to face him and holding yourself up with your hands.

"Wh-Why did you do that!?" you said staring at him, eyes wide. He looked into your eyes, but he didn't seem playful, it was like he saw something, something special in your eyes.

"What's gotten into yo-Mmph!" You felt a pair of lips press against yours softly. Your eyes were wide but he had his closed. But for some reason, you didn't pull away. Suddenly your eyes fluttered close and your hands slid slowly from his chest to the back of his neck. Pulling him closer. You had melted into the kiss. He put his hand on your arm and the other on the back of your head. He pulled away and kept his forehead on yours. You were still shocked but you smiled. "Laito..I". He put his lips on yours again, giving you a soft peck on your lips. He smiled softly, not playfully. You saw a hint of kindness in his eyes. But in. The blink of an eye he had disappeared, the door now wide open. You heard something whisper in your ear, "Your mine now. No one can have you, (y/n). "
Well that didn't go the way I planned. Sorry it's not that good. My cat was on me so it was hard to type (I swear they just want all of your attention 24/7 XD) and I didn't feel very motivated to write (like semi-writers block? I don't know XD) Maybe I'll change it later, so check tomorrow if there are any changes to this chapter. Thanks guys! Hope you enjoyed!

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