Chapter Five: A Night Out

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Hey guys! I'm so glad a lot of people have viewed this story! It may not be a lot, but knowing people actually read it and a few people voted it, really means a lot to a hobbyist like me :)
You wake up, your neck is strained, but it wasn't from a bite. You stood yourself up using your arms and looked around. 'Did my room look like this?' You shuffled to the edge of the bed, about to get up when something, or someone, grabbed your waist and pulled you down, flopping you down on the bed. Looking up, you saw Laito looking down on you, his face upside down. As always, he looked playful and lowered his head, closing his eyes. You smacked your hand on his mouth and pushed his face away.

Scooting under him, you got up and had your hands on your hips, "Why are you in my room? Get out."

He sat on the bed, crossed legged, putting his head in his hands. "Nfu! Your being so cruel Bitch-chan~" he exaggerated. You rolled your eyes and he smirked, "And, this isn't your room, it's mine. Nfu!" Your eyes widened at his silly response 'Wait, What?!' You looked around quickly 'Well that explains why it's so messy'

You walked to the door and reached for the handle when Laito grabbed your wrist and pulled you into a hug, your back against his chest and his chin on your  head.

"Bitch-chan~",he said, straining the words, "stay in bed with me a little longer." You felt his grip tighten around your body and his head lower to your neck, his warm breath on your skin. 'What is he doing? What is he saying?'

Millions of questions ran through your mine, Laito stepped back pulling you to the bed but you stretched your arms and pushed him away.

"What are you doing?" You said glaring at him and backing away, your back to the door as you reached for the handle again, "G-Get away!"

"But (y/n) I just want-" You grabbed the handle, pushing the door open and running down the hall. You looked back and saw Laito in the door way watching you. He seemed almost 'heart broken...'

(Leh time skip brought to you by Laito's sexy AF hair flip >w<)

You were heading to your last class at night school. You didn't talk to your friends much because your mind was clouded with thoughts. It didn't matter much to you that you had extra homework because you weren't paying attention.

During class you didn't even look up from your desk, your mind was occupied with what Laito said 'But (y/n) I just want...'

'What did he want?'
'What was he doing?'
'Why did he call me by my name?
'He never does that'

The last question bothered you the most. He never called you by your name. Literally, NEVER.

You were interrupted by the loud ringing of the bell and large thump on your desk. You looked down to see a large math work book with a sticky note that said "Extra homework. Pay attention next time." You looked up and saw your teacher glaring at you. You nervously smiled, grabbed the book, apologizing quietly, and walked to your locker. You heard him mutter something as you walked away.

As you put away your unneeded books into your locker you shook your head 'He probably just meant he wanted your blood. Not you, he's just a vampire. He wasn't heart broken he was lustful'

You sighed. You knew you were right, but, a little part of you wanted to be wrong.

As you closed your door you felt someone tap the back of your shoulder. You turned around to see your best friend, Brandon. You weren't very popular, actually quite shy so you didn't have a lot of friends, just a few close ones. Brandon was one of your closest friends.

"Hey (y/n), are you gonna be busy tomorrow night?"

It was a Friday and Reiji said you were aloud to leave the house on weekends as long as you came back at 11:00.

"Um, not really.What did you have in mind?"

You needed something to get your mind off Laito and what he said.

"Oh, cool. They just set up the lights at the rose park. Did you wanna come with me?"

The annual lights were very pretty and you hadn't seen them in a while.

"Sure why not?" You said smiling approvingly

"Cool I'll pick you up around 6."

"Cool sounds good, see ya Brandon" you said hugging him and walking away.

You needed to think of something other than Laito and get away from him as much as possible. A night with your best friend would be nice and it would be nice to get away from the mansion for a while and...the brothers. It wouldn't hurt, right?
Hey guys ^w^. I'm really sorry I haven't updated lately. I haven't been very motivated and I had a lot of school work. Hopefully I'll get a lot of chapters done over the weekend. Hope you enjoyed this chapter! See you guys soon ^.^

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