Chapter Six: My Girl?

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Hey guys. Just a little help on imagining things, that's kinda what Brandon looks like but with glasses. I tried to find a "not to" attractive guy, but that was hard. Like REALLY hard. Lolz anyways hope you enjoy chapter 6 ^^
It was 5:45 and you were almost ready for your night with Brandon. You wore a simple (f/c) dress that went a little above your knees with a white cardigan and black stockings. Your hair was curled beautifully and tied into a low ponytail. You sat at your vanity doing your makeup. It was just a casual meet up so you only put a bit foundation, eyeliner, and chapstick.

You walked down the stairs from your room to the large room leading to the front door. A few minutes passed before you heard a knock on the door. You opened it revealing a casually dressed Brandon.

"Hey (y/n) ready to go?"

You smiled softly, nodded, grabbed your purse and walked out as he closed the door behind you.  You saw his car in the park way and walked towards it. He opened your side and you stepped in. 'Why is he being such a gentleman?'

(Time skip)

After eating at a local fast food restaurant, you to walked to the park. It was a short distance so you didn't mind. As you neared it you could already see the beautiful lights and looked around in awe. You didn't see that Brandon at the time was looking at you, smiling softly. You walked into the entrance and the two do you decided to sit next to a tree and enjoy the view. Multi-colored strings of lights decorated the lamp posts and trees. It truly was a beautiful sight.

You two had talked about various topics such as school and family life for a while, staring at the night sky and the elegant lights. Brandon turned to face you and you stared back into his eyes. He seemed serious though.

"Hey (y/n), I've been..." He paused and leaned closer to you, "meaning to tell you something for a while."

You froze. You really had no interest in him. He was a nice guy and you guess he was a bit attractive but, you two were really just friends, in your opinion at least.

You stood up, your back grazing the tree,"Um, Brandon, wh-what are you saying?" You said, chuckling nervously. He stood up and stepped in front of you. Stepping back you found yourself against the tree, his hand had reached the side of the your head and was pressed against the side of the tree next to you. You were about to duck and get out of the awkward situation but he took his other hand and grabbed your wrist, pinning it against the side of your head. 'No! Not this again! What is he doing!'

You struggled to get your wrist free, but his grip was strong. He started to lean in and smiled, devilishly, "(y/n), I love y-". His sentence was interrupted as he was pulled away from you and thrown to the floor. You watched him fall but looked up to see the back of a man. Someone you knew very well. Laito

"What the hell were you trying to do with my girl?"

His voice didn't sound playful like usual, it was threatening, blood thirsty. And definitely in a different way than you were thinking.

"What the hell do you mean your girl? Who the hell are you?"

You then just realized Laito had called you his girlfriend and started blushing madly, your cheeks turning more shades of red then Laito's own hair ombré.

He turned to look at you and noticed your overly embarrassed face and smirked. He grabbed your arm, pulling you to the side of him and wrapping his arm around your waist. He grabbed your chin, pulling your face to look up directly into his green, seductive eyes. You bit the inside of your lip, trying very hard not to drop your mouth. Damn, is he attractive when he does that. Wait, this is not the time for that!' His face leaned closer to yours and he lightly grabbed a long strand of your hair, pulling it close to his face, never breaking eye contact with the now very jealous Brandon.

"I am Laito Sakamaki, and yes, this is my girl." He said pulling your waist close to him so you were almost hugging him.

Brandon's eyes shot straight to you, his eyes filling with shock and sadness, "(y-y/n) is that true?" 

You were too embarrassed by Laito's statement to say, yet alone do anything at all. All you could do was   look down. He stepped back a little and looked away from your face, "I-Sorry about that. I didn't know. I'll just see you at school tomorrow, (y/n)." He turned and walked away, out of the park, and walked away towards his house.

After a few seconds of awkward silence, Laito looked at you and lifted your chin bringing his face close to yours.

"Be careful next time ok, Bitch-chan?" He smirked as he winked at you. You smiled nervously and looked down as you nodded your head. "Th-Thank you...Laito". He smirked, "Nfu! Mmm... I love when you say my name Bitch-chan". Your eyes widened and you suddenly looked down, blushing as you held your hands behind your back, "L-Lets just go back to the mansion. Reji will kill me if I'm late." You said chuckling lightly.

He smirked and looked at you, kind of wickedly.
'What is he up to?'


He just chuckled and before you could refuse, he had you in his arms bridal style. "Nfu! Whatever you wish Bitch-chan!"

"L-Laito!" You said looking away from his face. You didn't notice him smiling at your innocent sweet face. "Put me down!"

He pouted like a little kid, "No!" He said stubbornly. 'God he's such a kid'

You rolled your eyes and held on to his neck for support, still looking away.


With Laito's super natural speed, it took less than a minute to get back to the mansion, literally. You had fallen asleep in his arms so he walked up the stairs and into your room. He had to get you dressed in your night gown some how. He smirked as what he was about to do.

After properly putting on your night gown he laid you in bed and tucked you in. He smirked as you cuddled with your pillow. 'She's so cute' he thought as he caresses your cheek.

He leaned in and softly kissed your forehead, making you smile softly unconsciously.

"I love you, (y/n)."
Woah. That was a lot of words. 1098! I'm sorry if it sucked. I was feeling kind of unmotivated. I'm really sorry guys. I hope you still enjoyed. If I can I'll add another chapter later tonight. See you guys soon!

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