Chapter Eight: Enough is Enough

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Sorry for the crappy title >_<. I didn't really have a good one anyways and I really wanted to do this chapter today. You'll see why >.~....
It was six o'clock at night. You were getting ready for night school. The whole day you had avoided Laito and if you ever saw him, you would just look away and walk faster. Every time you saw him you had to go back to your room because you cried. You didn't want anyone to see you. This whole week had been a confusing and stressful mess. Ayato trapped you, your best friend tried to kiss you, and you were still so confused. You didn't want to lie to yourself anymore, but something in you just didn't want to admit you had feelings for the seductive vampire.

It was 6:25 and Reji came in gesturing for you to follow. "Sorry Reji-kun, just five more minutes please." He rolled his eyes and closed the door. You sighed, looking back at the mirror in your vanity. The thought of Brandon flashed in your mind. What were you going to do if you saw him at school? It was too embarrassing to talk to him. After all, you can't just ignore the fact that he confessed he liked you and tried to kiss you. But he was your best friend. You would just have to forgive him cause you didn't really have anyone else. 'I'm sure he'll understand. We've known each other forever.'

"Your not planning to go back to that Brandon are you?"

You turned to see Laito leaning on the doorway. You froze and he walked towards you. You wanted to run straight out of the room, but you were tired of running away. Sooner or later you would have to make a decision.

"Of course I do, he's my best friend."

Laito hesitated a little before bending down to your level and grabbing your shoulders and turning you to his face, shaking your shoulders lightly. "Are you serious? He tried to kiss you! Who knows if he'll try again!" You looked away from him, tears forming in your eyes.

"But he's the only friend I have."

"(Y/n)," you turned your head to face him at the sound of your name. He seems so..sincere.

"You have me. I love you, (y/n), and I know you don't have feelings for him, I know you feel what I feel. You have to (y/n)."

"No...I...I do-"

"Dammit I can't take these lies anymore!"

You looked at him confused but your eyes widened as his lips smashed into yours. He wrapped his arm around your waist and pulled you closer to him, bringing you out of your chair. You didn't push away like before. You actually kissed him back. The kiss was filled with passion, not lust like you thought. Before you knew, tears started flowing from your eyes, and you felt them run down your cheeks. Laito cupped your cheek with his hand and wiped the tears. Your hands had unconsciously wrapped under his arms to his back, pulling him closer.

After a few more seconds of the intimate kiss he pulled away, your foreheads still touching. "You kissed me back, (y/n). You didn't pull away."

Tears were still flowing down your eyes. Full of happiness. You couldn't lie now, you just kissed him.

You simply smiled, chuckling quietly, "Yeah, I did didn't I?"

He smiled and looked into your (e/c) eyes. He seemed happy and sincere, as if he's been waiting centuries to do that. He pulled you into a hug, wrapping his arms around your head and waist. You hugged him back and laid your head on his warm chest, wetting his shirt with your tears. "Laito..I'm so sorry."

He hushed you and ran his hair through your smooth (h/c) hair. It was soothing and you soon felt your self lifted up and carried out of the room, down the hallway, and onto the steps of the door way. He dropped you down and looked at you before ruffling your hair slightly. "I'm glad you admitted it, (y/n)." You simply smiled the sweet innocent smile he loved and the two of you walked to the limo where the other brothers waited.

You opened the door and the two of you sat on opposite sides of the limo. Reji glared at you and Laito, "Where the hell were you too? You could have made us late you ignorant fools."  Laito simply rolled his eyes and looked at you, "I was with Bitch-chan." He said as he winked at you. You blushed and looked down. 'So he's back to that nickname, huh?' But you weren't annoyed. This time it felt sincere and honest.  Your thoughts were interrupted when Subaru made a "Tch" noise, "Pervert." You giggled softly and looked up closing your eyes as you smiled and took a long breath.

'I love you'

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2018 ⏰

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