Chapter Seven: Confusion and Denial

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The morning rays gleamed through the blinds of your windows and hit your face. You squinted and slowly woke up. 'At least it's my bedroom' You looked around and saw no signs of the brothers, but you were really just conscious about Laito. It had gotten very awkward the other night and you just didn't want to deal with the confusion. You wanted to think of something different but you really couldn't. All you could think about was 'Was he serious when he called me 'his' girl?'

"I'm not gonna say that I wasn't serious Bitch-chan."

You looked up to see Laito at the foot of your bed, on all fours, looking at you seductively. You hated when he did that because it drove you crazy. You didn't even want to get started on what would happen if he ran his fingers through his hairs. Laito had noticed you were biting your lip as you looked at him and his eyes widened.

"Nfu! Bitch-chan! Are you checking me out?" His voice was low and seductive.

You snapped out of your trance and looked down, hiding your red face with the blankets. You could tell your face was burning.


"Nfu! You were! Mm, Bitch-chaan~" he said in a sing song voice,"Tell me, did you like what you saw?"

You didn't answer, just kept your head under the blankets. A hand grabbed the end of the sheets and pulled it back completely, exposing you and your red face.

"I must say you look very nice in that nightgown," He said looking up and down your body, "It was much nicer when you had nothing on, though." He said devilishly smirking.

You realized you had never dressed into the night gown. Your face was flushed with redness and you covered it with your hands. "No! I, um, I was just-what did-why did, um you, I-" he chuckled as you tried to speak. Soon his thumb was against your lip as his fingers supported the bottom of your chin.

"You don't need to speak, you look cute when your overwhelmed, Bitch-chan" He pulled your face closer and leaned in towards you, closing his eyes. Your eyes fluttered shut but your mind was racing.

'This isn't right'

'Yes it is'

'No it isn't'

'Admit it you like him'

'No I don't!'

'You love him, you need him, you 'want' him'

Your eyes widened. You immediately pushed him away, breaking eye contact. His face was filled with shock. You turned away, jumped out of bed and ran out of your room, crying. He chased after you but stopped when he knew you wouldn't turn back. The last things he heard before you disappeared from his sight was, "I'm so sorry Laito...I don't know what to do."
Sorry for such a short chapter guys. I just love cliff hangers. >u<. I promise I'll have another chapter today. Maybe two ^w^. I hope you enjoyed. See ya guys soon :3

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