Chapter 7

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Jasmine P.O.V


Jase is still here.

What is he still doing here?

I denied his offer, I mean he could just get a professional hip-hop dancer to teach his sister how to dance.So why was he so desperate to have me teach his sister?

Thirdy minutes has passed and he was looking at my every move. everytime I turned to a custumer, I could feel his eyes burning holes in my back. It was getting on my nerves.

I walked back to his booth.

"What are you still doing here?" I asked him.

"Just waiting for my order." He simply replied.

"Order? You didn't order anything." I looked at him like he was stupid.

"Actually I did." He paused for a second. "You see this nice young lady over here," He pointed behind me. "bothered to ask for my order." He looked at me accusingly.

I looked over my shoulder to see who he was talking about and saw Caroline. One of the best, yet annoying co-workers you could ever have. She was preparing his order while making dreamy eyes at him.

I scoffed. I mean yeah his hot...So what? There are better looking guys on earth. Yeah right. I told myself. The guys is drop dead gorgeous.

"You know what I think; your stalking me!" I said with a fierce tone.

"Ohhh fiesty,I like it. But no I'm not stalking you. " He replied with a smirk.

"Then what do you want?!" I cried out. I noticed that we got some attention, so I decided to take him behind the restaurant. I grabbed his wrist, and dragged him out with no warning which suprised him.

Outside, there was a bad smell, which I understand, because that is where the dumpsters are.

I looked back at him, and saw him smirk. "So why did you bring me here?" He is still smirking as if we were about to do something. If you know what I mean.

"I brought you here for you to tell me what do you want?" I cried out.

"I want you to teach my little sister how to dance." He said calmly.

"Why are you so stock up to have me?"

"I already told you; I want you because I think you are special. You stood out. When I saw you dance I thought you were different from the rest." When he said all this he was looking at me in a weird way; a good weird way. As if he actually meant what he said. But I'm not one to believe things people tell me unless I trust them, and I don't trust people easily.

I started walking away to the door we just came from, until he caught my wrist, and twirls me around. "We both know you need this money!"

"How would you know what I need. You don't know me." I spat. He acts as if he knows me.

"I know enough to know you need it."

Angry, I snatched my hand out of his grip, and went back to work. The guy acts if he knows me, my life, or my siuation.

The annoying thing is; his right. I so need this money, but I dont wanna sound desperate.

Not to long after he came in, and took his order to go. He stared at me and left the shop. Soon after my shift was over and the girls left before me. They wanted to wait for me, but I insisted that they go before. I made my way to Nathan,as we waited for Jared. He didn't like the idea of me walking alone at night, especially with Nathan. As I waited I saw Caroline taking her stuff, because her shift ended at the same time as mine. She was about to leave, when she turned and looked at me.

"You know the guy who was here 5 minutes ago? He's cute. Are you guys dating?"

"No!" I replied immediatly.

"Ohh alright well you should. You guys would make quite a couple." With that she sent me a wink and left the restaurant.

10 minutes past, and Jared still wasn't here which is unusual. He usually comes as soon as I'm done working.

Just when I was about to stand and leave with Nathan, Jared barged in, sweat dripping all over his forehead.

"Im sorry, Im late."

I just shook my head and smiled. I took Nathan's hand and we headed home.


At home, Jared took Nathan to his room, while I headed to my dad's room, in search for him. When I saw his room was empty, I headed to the kitchen. It was also empty too. He should be here by now.

Just then he came in, and saw me in the kitchen.

"Oh hey honey! Why aren't you in bed? You know you have school!"

I ignored his question. "Dad what's going on? Why are you so late recently?"

He tensed at my question. "You know it's getting late. You need to go to bed." He started to walk pass me.

"Dad stop!" He stopped and turn to look at me. "Stop trying to ditch my question and tell me what is going on." I guess I spoke pretty loudly, because Jared came rushing down the stairs.

"Shhhh. Nathan is sleeping. What is going on?"

"You should ask dad?" I stared at my dad. I know I seem over dramatic, but his my dad, and if something is bothering my dad I want to know. I'm daddy's little girl, I would do anything for him. Also he is the only parent we have home.

He sighed. "Well I guess you guys are big enough to know." He made his way to the living room and we followed right after him. He made a gesture for us to take a seat on the couch in front of him. "As you both know your mom is in an intoxicating center." We nodded for him to go on. "Well Saturday the center called me. They informed me that they caught her taking drugs." He paused two seconds. As he talked my heart broke I used to be so close, until it happed. "So they put her in this special room, that cost twice as much as the other one. Plus she wasn't so happy about the new more secured room, so she went crazy and broke alot of things.They sent me a check of how much the room and all the things she broke, I'm sorry I didn't tell you guys sooner.I didn't want to bring more stress and problems into your lives, You're both so young I want you guys to live." He sighed again with a sad look on his face. "Now you know why I work double shift." He stood up and walked over to me.

"Good night sweety." He kissed my forehead and said good night to Jared, then went to his room, but before entering the room he turned to us. "Oh and don't worry about it. I'll take care of it."

Jared was the next to stand. "Are you coming sis?" H e asked.

"Yah in a second."

He went upstairs. 

I was angry. No, furious. How could she do that? Can't she see the pain she's putting us through? I headed straight for my room and did something I never thought I would do.

"Hello?" He answered with a tired voice.

" Hey, its Jasmine you know the offer you proposed?" 


"I'll do it."


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btw: I know it may seem boring by now but please keep up! Its just the beginning :)


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