Chapter 10 Aidan

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<<<Ashley's P.O.V.>>>
It had probably been a week or so since the incident with Kyle had happened. AJ was recovering from the anger that gripped her. But one day, she came home like a tornado.
"Fuck him! Why the hell did he doooooo this???"
"What's the matter, AJ?" I asked. But she was already to pissed to answer.
"I'm gonna kick his ass. I'm gunna beat him to a crispy little piece of toast! He is dead. Dead meat." And then she did a surprising thing. She started crying. Her shoulders heaved up and down with the mixed emotions of anger and sadness. She rarely ever cried. So it was only natural that I was instantly concerned.
"AJ! What happened!?" But she was crying to hard to speak. So I walked her over to the couch and cuddled up with her, murmuring soothing words. Soon she had regained her composure enough to speak.
"Okay...okay... I'll tell you..." She sniffed. "Aidan... He's dumping me..." And then she burst into another round of sobs. I had never seen her this heartbroken.
"What!? That's.... That's not true! He loves you! He told me so!"
"Ashley... I heard you telling Lizzie last night. And... And when... When I asked her..." She started crying again.
Oh god, I thought. What now?
AJ started swearing and crying and pacing about the house. I sat there, helpless. I couldn't calm her down. She did this once in a while. When she got to this stage, no amount of soothing words would stop her. She picked up a glass cup she had brought from home while we were camping in the glade, and threw it to the ground, and it immediately smashed into a bunch of pieces. That was the last straw for me.
"AJ! What the hell!? Calm your horses and sit your ass down! I am not going to stand here watching you suffer! Let's go kick some ass!"
"No! I don't want to hurt him! I still love him. How could he dooooooo this???"she moaned.
  "I don't know, but just calm your tits." I said angrily. I was going to beat up Aidan whether she liked it or not.
"Ahhhhhh.....why why why why why why....." She moaned again, and I snapped at her, "AJ shut up I'm trying to think!!!"
She only growled at me and stormed off out of the glade, tears streaming down her face as she went. "AJ..." I called after  her. But she ignored me and kept on going. So much for that. I thought. Although, wth her gone, maybe now I could go kick Aidan's tiny little ass for him. We'd just have to wait and see.

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