Chapter 18 Sick Ash

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<<<Ashley's P.O.V.>>>
I woke up, all bleary eyed and stuffed up. I sniffed, and it felt as if I was trying to sniff rocks up my nose. So, apparently I couldn't sniff. Let alone smell. I got out of bed and stood outside of my closet, trying to figure out what to wear. That's when it hit me. I doubled over in the pain that gripped my stomach. I felt like I was going to throw up. Racing out of my room I ran into the bathroom, and out came the unpleasant noise.
Once finished, I decided it'd be best if I didn't get dressed... Or eat... Or let alone go job-hunting. I heard AJ pounding down the stairs. Then she gasped.
"Ash! What's wrong? Are you okay?"
"Well, of course I'm not okay! I'm leaning over the toilet throwing up and-" I had to pause so I could let out another wrenching... Well... Vomit.
"Geez... I'm going to get a bucket... Or two... And you just go cuddle in bed and take it easy today, okay?"
"Ugh, okay. I'm heading upstairs." I stumbled up the stairs and huddled in bed to wait for my sister to come and save me.
"Okay, here ya go." She plopped down a couple of buckets and a cup of water on my bedside table. "Now I gotta go, cuz I'll be late if I don't. Later! Hope ya feel better!" With that, she ran excitedly out the door, without another word.
Then I settled down, ready to sleep for the entire, boring day.

<<<AJ's P.O.V.>>>
I ran out of the apartment, and rushed to catch the bus. I just barely made it, paid, and sat down in an unoccupied seat. I pulled out my phone and quickly texted my boss, Rita. Hey, might be a little late, Ashley was throwing up and I had to make sure she was okay and wasn't going to need immediate help.
A few minutes later, she answered my text. Oh, that's fine, sweetie. See ya in a little bit!
I breathed a silent prayer and turned off my phone. When the bus pulled up to the pound area, I jumped off with a quick thank you to the bus driver. Then I ran inside.
"SorryI'mlatebutI'mherenowsowhatdoyouwantmetodo?" I asked breathlessly to Julia. She laughed and motioned me towards the kitten area.
"We have some new arrivals! Why don't you go and help Sidney with those?"
"Uhm..." I paused. Did I dare tell her? "I kinda get a little allergic when I pet or handle cats...or kittens..."
"Oh! That's alright! You can play with the puppies then, okay?"
"Alright!" I agreed gratefully. Thank god she was so accepting. Or I woulda been dead meat.
So that's how the day went. I played with the puppies, throwing balls for them, petting them, and giving them bones to worry on. Once they were all tuckered out, I cleaned their cages and then guided them back to their homes. One puppy in particular captivated my attention. And that was Diesel. His pound name was Cowboy, but I called him Diesel. Only when we were in private, of course. But I called him Diesel just the same.
He was a mutt, all sorts of breeds inserted in him. He had short, floppy ears and was brown with dark blond highlights. His paws and head were bigger than his body, and his tail was always waving at a million miles per hour. Whenever his tail was going, his whole body seemed to move, his rump wiggling to and fro. He was adorable... And I wanted to take him home so badly. But I could never payoff him... He was 300 dollars!
Rita entered while I was playing with him. "Oh! Seems this is where the little rascal went off to! Poor baby... He's going to have to be put down at the start of tomorrow... Around 9:00..."
I felt my heart stop. "W-what?" I croaked.
"Yeah. I know, right? The poor baby... Wish it didn't have to be this way."
"Y-yeah..." I mumbled. I hadn't noticed that, while I was listening to Rita, my face had gone stark white. Rita must have noticed because she asked me if everything was okay.
" Ugh, I want to take Diesel home! But I don't have enough money, and I need Ashley's confirmation and everything! Ugh... Life is just so difficult right now... And I just don't want him to die." Little did she know how close we were. I told Diesel everything. About Ashley, Logan, school, Aidan, and all the other shit that happened in my life. He knew everything... And I wasn't about to let him go.
Rita looked at me, a puzzled expression on her face. Then it slowly melted into understanding. "Ohh... You named him Diesel, didn't you?" I nodded, tears slowly slipping down my face. I tried to wipe them away, ashamed that I was crying over a puppy that wasn't even mine. This kinda stuff happened every day! But Diesel...
"And you've become very close, haven't you?" I nodded again. Slowly, her face turned into a smile. "Well, he seems to think your his, doesn't he?" She asked, pointing down to my lap. I looked down, and allowed myself a small smile. There he was, all curled up in a ball on my lap.
"Well then, I think that you should have him, don't you?"
"What?!?!?" I gasped, my head snapping up to look at her.
"Well, don't you?"
"No- I mean- yes- I- Oh thank you! Of course I want him to live with me!!!" I cried, my face breaking out into a gigantic smile. Rita grinned back.
"Thakyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyousoooooomuch!!!" I gushed.
"Your welcome, dear. Now, why don't you run along home and have the rest of the day off?"
"Okay!" And, racing out the door with Diesel cradled in my arms, I smiled. I smiled so hard that I cried. I sat on the bus and texted Ashley. Bringing home a joyful bundle! It's bound to make you happy! Diesel licked my nose eagerly. And with that, I kissed my puppy's head, and laughed for the first time in a long while.

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