chapter 5

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i can't believe i still care about him that much. and i can't believe i went over to his bunk last night.. but i woke up and i couldn't sleep. i don't know how it would be if i snuggled up against tony. but he was asleep and i didn't want to wake him. he just looked so adorable. so i went over to vic's bunk 'cause i know he wasn't asleep anyway. i sneaked out in the morning. and if he'd ask i say i don't know what he's talking about. i was sitting on the sofa with a bottle of water in my hand when i feel someone sitting next to me. i shock and drop the bottle. i grab it in a hurry. "thanks" i say grumpy and i look over to a smirking tony. "no problem" he says with a teasing voice. "ever realized how adorablw you are when you sleep?" i say as i sit next to him again. "i look like shit when i sleep" he groans. "you don't" i whisper and i kiss his cheeck. he flushed red and i chuckle. would he still like me? i hear vic moaning and i hurry over to him to see what's wrong. he lays all curles up in his bed. sweating but shaking. "i'm so cold" he says with a sick, raspy voice. i pull the blanket up and lay it on top of him. i go trough his hair softly and try so figure out what's wrong. "what else are you feeling?" i ask concerned. "cramps, headache, cold, shaky" he mumbles. i know jaime knows a lot about illness and stuff so i fly over to his bunk to wake him up. "jaime" i say while shaking him. "hn" he groans as he turns around to face me. "it's vic" i say. it must have been the conserned look on my face that made him jump out of his bed. he walks over to vic and looks at him in horror. "what's wrong with him?" he asks and he looks at me. tony walks up to us too and i hear mike is awake too. we all look at vic. "he has cramps, headache, he says he's cold but he's sweating and he shakes like hell" i answer on jaime's question. "he needs to see a docter" is all jaime says and he throws the blanket of vic ans takes him in his arms. it would've been a funny thing to see if vic's wasn't looking that bad. jaime walks to the sofa and lays vic down. he then calls a cab. i sit on the ground next to vic. "vic" i whisper. but he keeps his eyes pressed close. "baby" i try carefully. his eyes shoot open and the look in his eyes is painfull and sad. i grab his hand and try to calm him down. "you're going to be okay" i whisper and i give him a smile. he moans, still looking at me. i feel worthless at the moment. at that moment jaime comes over to pick up vic and bring him to the cab. i step inside with them and call the hospital as we start to drive. i tell the symphtoms he had and tell them we'll be there in ten minutes.

we rush to the hospital and jaime helps out vic who is moaning from pain. i step out myself as quick as i can to help them. we try to get in the hospital as soon as we can and there is a doctor waiting for us. "mr fuentes" he says looking at vic. "yes" i answer for him and after that i don't remember much. i woke up by jaime who said vic had to stay for the night and that we should head back to the bus. vic had food poison. and i fell asleep waiting in a room because i didn't sleep well last night. i kind of didn't understand what jaime said because i was so tired. he picked me up and i just fell asleep again. and the next thing i remember is waking up at the middle of the night in vic's bunk. i decide to go over to tony's bunk. no idea why. i lay down as slowly as i can to not wake him up. "mel?" i hear him whisper. "yeah it's me" i whisper back and i smile. even though it's too dark to see i smile. why do i smile? as i feel tony's hand on my waist i feel butterflies. it's driving me crazy. i grab his hand and pull his arm over me. i hear tony chuckle. "never expected you to do that" he whispers. "i wanted too" i say shyly. "why" tony whispers shyly and he turns me around. "i feel some stupid things flying around in my tummy when i touch you" i say before i can stop myself. "i mean, since a minute ago" i whisper really softly. "oh i uh.. wow" tony stutters. "don't talk" i say and i lean in. why am i doing this. but before i know i plant my lips on his and i feel his hand move to my back and his other to my face. his fingers touch my cheeck shyly. i feel my head flush red like a tomato and i'm glad no one sees. the kiss seems to last for really long till i need some air. i stop the kiss and lay my head on his chest. my heart is pounding as crazy. i can't believe i did this. i hear his heart pounding like crazy as well and his breath is heavy. "i can't believe you just kissed me" tony whispers with hesatation. "me neighter" i say softly. "going good there?" i head someone mumble from up us. jaime was awake. laying in the bunk above us. i start to stutter. "melany how could you do this?" jaime says a little louder now. i really think i made a mistake right there. jaime is getting out of his bed. i sit up straight and sweep my legs out of bed. jaime knees down in front of me, laying his hands on my knees. "i know he'd hurt you but he's trying to get you back if you didn't realize" jaime says softly. he sounds like a big brother now. "jaime, he dumped me. why would he want me back" i sob. "you know damn well why he did that" jaime hissed at me. "if you're mad at me now, i'd rather sleep. i don't regret what i just did. even better, it felt good" i say and i lay down again and turn around. "fine" jaime sights. he messes up my hair sweetly and jumps back in his bed. i snuggle up against tony again. "you shouldn't kiss me" tony says. "i'm not right for you babe" he says now. "and now i want to kiss you all the time" he whispers. "you are right for me, but let's just forget this kiss" i mumble. "sorry" i say while my heart is beating out of my chest. tony sighs heavy and not much after, he fell asleep, with me wrapped up in his arms. i felt safe and not much later i fell asleep myself.

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