chapter three

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(Penelope's POV)

Hi my name is Penelope Winchester I have lived in the "beautiful" city of Westward. I have also lived in the same house. Sounds boring I know but trust me there was nothing boring about my house with my parents and older sister and to be honest I loved our house there was this cool ledge roof thing out side of my window. I use to sit out there and read I use to love to read. I still do its just hard to find time for it some times. Then one day some thing amazing happened There was a family moving into the house next to ours the one were there a window just like mine with a ledge that you can sit on they are so close you can walk across them I was hoping that they had a little girl around my age so I could play with her and be best friends. Then I found out that they only had a little boy he was still around my age though. A week or so after they had moved in I was back out on my ledge reading my dinosaurs book. I was hoping he would not notice me.

He did though I did not know then that would be one of the greatest thing that could have happened to me. I did not know that we would become best friends. He had noticed me sitting out there and opened his window and asked me what I was doing I told him reading. he then asked me what I was reading I told him the big book of dinosaurs I could tell he was just trying to make conversation. Then he got the biggest smile I have ever seen he had such an amazing smile still does he could light up a room with it. He excitedly blurted out that he loves dinosaurs I invited him to sit and read with me we stayed out there until it got dark and from that point on we were inseparable best friends to the end.

(A/N: hey hope you liked it yes I know I put that every chapter and it is probably really annoying but I really want people to enjoy this story so you might just have to put up with me might do a double up date today not sure)

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