Chapter Nine

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( Penelopeas POV )

It had been two weeks since the whole ordeal between Charlie and Oliver I still was finding it a bit hard to believe that Oliver would do some thing like that but I mean why would Charlie lie to me. I was sitting on my bed minding my own business reading the new book I had gotten a while back when I heard a familiar knock at my window I sat there for a moment trying to decide weather or not to ignore it or see what he wanted and for some reason something inside of me said to go see what he wanted and that's exactly what I did.

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////(time skip)\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\

After I heard Olive's side of the story and he ran back in side I stood out there for few minutes longer had it really hurt him that much. I could not believe that I did that did he really care that much about me, maybe he was telling the truth after all because I have know Oliver for a very long time but why would Charlie lie to me, I mean he is my boyfriend and he is supposed to tell me the truth, maybe I am just thinking about it too much I guess you tell that I was very caught up in my thoughts because I heard my aunt Ashlyn ask me "you okay penny you seem a bit down" "ya I'm perfectly fine" I answered her "are you sure about that you seem very stressed out" she always knows when to question weather I am lying or not "to be honest no not really I am very confused because Oliver told me his side of the story but it was not quite matching up with Charlie's story and i called him out on it and he just ran back in side of his house and it looked like he was crying but why would he be crying, was it because of he felt bad that he lied about hid side of the story i mean he really couldn't of thought i would still want to be friend after he hurt charlie and then lied about why." oh great now i was rambling "well have you considered that maybe charlie was lying and Oliver was telling the truth" "not really i mean why would charlie lie to me" "well because what Oliver said was true and Charlie is a cheating pig but he does not want you to know that" "no that is not true" "but how do you know think about it ,how long have you and Oliver been friends?" "about seven years" "okay and in that span of time how many times has he lied to you" "none that I am aware of" I said reluctantly I was beginning to see were she was going with this "okay and know how long have you known Charlie about four months" "okay and how many times has he lied to you" "well I mean none that i can think of" "okay and look at how long you and Oliver have know each other and he has never lied to you" "so what, that does not mean he wont and even if he is not lying i still refuse to believe that charlie would lie to me, now if you will excuse me I am going to go take a shower" i did not mean to shout at her but that is not really what i want to hear right now or really ever.

(Oliver's POV)

The next day after whole thing between me and Penelope I was helping my mom out at the bakery by working the counter i saw some people walking so i looked up from putting some cookies in the display case "hello welcome to Smells Like Heaven may interest you in and of our new icing flavors" after I had finished what i was saying i realized it was Penelope's parents "hello Mr. and Mrs. Winchester" I wont lie I was kind of glad to see them I was just hoping they did not bring Penelope with them " hello Oliver its nice seeing you again sorry about what happened with you and Penelope" "ya me too, but its okay I get that she needs her space, so what can I get for you guys" "well we need to place an order for two dozen cup cakes and one actual cake for Madison's birth day party." I had totally for gotten about Penelope's older sister Madison's birth day was this coming up weekend. "Okay what flavor or flavors do you want the cakes and icing to be" "we were thing one dozen red velvet and the other chocolate for the cup cakes with cream cheese icing on the red velvet and peanut-butter for the chocolate, and is your mom around to talk about the cake it self with" "yes she is I will go her for you to talk about the cake with."

After i got my mom i went on a bit of a lunch break and went to go get something to ear other than desserts and sweets. I walked into one of my favorite pizza places order a couple of slices and ate alone in my thoughts, i thought about Penelope's parents i wad glad that it was not too awfully awkward between me and Penelope's parents i actually really liked them and they were super nice to me plus i figured if i had any chance of getting back into her life it was through them. After i was done with my lunch i went back to the bakery and Penelope's parents had already left the rest of the day was very drab and sluggish when we finally got back home i was exhausted and took a brisk shower and then went to bed. That night i had a very odd dream, I was at some ones house it was not mine it was not any place i had seen before or so i thought it did seem oddly filmier but i could not quite put my finger on it I waked down the hallway that was painted orange and the place a very homey appeal, I took a turn into a room to see if i could recognize it then I suddenly realized exactly were I was, I was in Penelope's house but stuff had been moved around and there was a baby crib in the middle of the room, I could not help but think how strange that was because she had no younger siblings did her mom have another child, but that is when the worst occurred the baby started to cry and I heard some one get out of bed I then quickly hid behind a rocking chair it looked like Penelope but she looked like she was about 20, 21 maybe. Then she picked it up to try to calm it then i heard some one else get up this time the person who enter the room was a male, oh no it could not have been this dream and turned night mare it was Charlie but older probably a couple years older the Penelope and I heard him speak "here honey let me take the baby you just go back to bed" then she handed him the child gave him a quick kiss then went back to bed. I could not believe what i just saw, I then woke up in a cold sweat why do i keep torturing my self like this. I still could not shake the dream from my head them being married and having a child together it gave me a knot in my stomach.

The next morning when I awoke i felt very groggy. I did not sleep very well after i finally managed to fall back asleep from that horrendous dream. Oh why did this keep happening to me why couldn't I just forget about her she clearly doesn't like me back she likes Charlie. So much that see refuses to see the truth maybe i should just give up. I felt absolutely hopeless as i got dressed to go to school today was going to be a ruff day. I walked down stared book bag in hand groaning as i walked out the door. Once i arrived at school i went to my locker and grabbed my stuff then went and found Tyler and Elijah waiting for the bell to ring for first hour. Time seemed to go on forever until lunch we were having spaghetti. I sat down with my usual group Tyler,Elijah,and Carlos. I was still a bit groggy from my sleepless night and i guess it showed because when i looked up and Tyler proceeded to ask what was wrong that I looked upset in which Elijah looked at me and said " ya bro don't be upsetti have some spaghetti" to which we all just kinda looked at him he looked like he was about to pass out from laughing. Wow I can't believe he actually just said that to be honest I needed that but i just kinda smiled and shook my head. " No I'm fine just didn't get much sleep last night." i responded after recoiling from Elijah's statement "are you sure" they all said strangely all at once "ya I'm sure just weird dreams" "okay as long as you think your alright" Carlos said with a worried look. After the bell rang letting us out of lunch the day seemed to start looking up maybe i will be alright i thought to my self going to my last couple of classes maybe i'll be alright.

( hey guys long time no see right hahaha [nervous laughter]. ya sorry about the not updating for like four months opps)

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