Chapter Seven

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The next day when I was at school I was standing by my locker and was talking to one of my friends and looked over at him and behind him a few feet away where the eighth grade lockers where I seen something I can't believe I had missed before I saw Charlie standing there leaned up against the lockers I don't know how I have missed all this time that Charlie goes to this school or maybe he had just transferred here. I was then snapped out of my thought by my friend and then I saw it the thing that would drastically change almost every thing. I saw Charlie the scum of the Earth as far as I was concerned at that moment lean in to whatever girl he was talking to and kiss her. At that moment something in me snapped and I went into this blind fit of fury and I was never one to have a bad temper but like I said something just snapped and I know that Penelope and him did not break up she would have told me. I kind of just walked around my friend and walked as fast as I could but still oddly calm and punched him in the nose as hard as I could him being the smart one at that point he knew not to fight back at that point so I would be the only one getting in trouble only two to three minutes went by even though it felt like 20 before a couple of teachers came and pulled us apart once they finally got me off of him when I looked of at him blood was rushing out of his nose. When I saw that I had finally snapped out of my trance that I was in and knew that whatever happened next it was not going to good for me.

My thoughts were racing at this point in was waiting in the principle's office waiting for my parents to get there cause my school has a zero shenanigans policy and well as silly as that sound I committed the number one shenanigan. I was suspended for two weeks boy my parents were not going to be happy and oh crape Penelope was going to be furious I bloodied her boyfriends nose and I could try to explain but I'm sure by the time I try to he will have already told her a sack full of lies and she will want nothing to do with me. I was snapped from my thoughts once again by the sound of the office door creaking open and I seen my dad standing there practically fuming with anger. I followed him out to the car when we got in the car and started to drive home when my dad finally spoke only one word but that one word sent chills down my spine "why?" and at that I just started spilling out the truth " well I was talking to Tyler when I looked behind him and saw Charlie kissing this girl but he is supposed to be Penelope's boyfriend and I know that they did not break up because she would of told me and after that I just went into a blind fit of anger and I guess I punched him in the nose and then next thing I know teachers are pulling me off of him, his nose is spilling out blood,and teachers are dragging me to the principle's office" with that I seen my dad's expression kind of soften and look over at me "so let me get this straight you punched this Charlie kid in the face because you were trying to protect Penelope" "yes" "well at least you have a some what valid reason but you can't just haul off and go into a blind fit, try not to do it again and good luck with Penelope" he was not joking I was going to need as much luck at I could get he dropped me back off at the house cause he had to go back to work. I tried to do what work there seemed to be around the house to kind of cushion the blow from my Mom hopefully she would be as under standing as my dad. When she got home I told here the same thing I told my Dad luckily she had about the same reaction as him excepted for the next two weeks I would be cleaning the house and helping my Mom at her bakery and no playing video games for the next four weeks so I guess not the worst punishment I could of had. Every chance I had I was trying to think of a way to tell Penelope why I did what I did and a way to prove it to her. It felt like a snake was coiling around my heart every time I thought about how she would react almost every night I had night mares of her telling me that she did not believe me, that she did not care because she loved him, or that she would tell me that I am making it up because I was just jealous she knew that I had a crush on her and that she would never love me back. After I would wake up I would be sweeting, high per ventilating, and feeling like I was going to throw up. On the last day of my suspension I finally got up the courage to go talk to her and well lets just say my greatest night mare came true I felt like I was dying on the inside it was so terrible.

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