Chapter eight

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So here it was I was about to be staring down the barrel of a loaded gun, as I approached my window to step out side on the roof  I could feel sweat form on my brow I opened my window and knocked on hers I figured that she probably would not answer me though but oddly enough she did but she still did not seem happy "what do you want Oliver" she said in a very harsh and unforgiving tone "well I just wanted to explain to you the reasons for me uh punching Charlie in the nose" I said kind of awkwardly " well go on then I don't have all day" wow with just that I could feel a knot in my through form but I swallowed it down and spoke " well you see I was talking to one of my friends and then I just so happened to look behind him I was Charlie leaning up against a locker I to be honest I had no clue that he went to my school and then I saw him lean in and kiss the girl he was standing there with and I know that , that girl was not you, and that you two had not broken up then I don't know what came over me I just went into a blind fit of fury and I guess I punched him in the nose then when I finally snap out of it teachers were pulling off of him and dragging me to the principles office." At first I saw the hard expression on her face soften then go right back to were it was "Oliver for one its not your job to protect me and two I refuse to believe that Charlie would do that to me just because your jealous of him dose not give you the right to make up lies about why you hurt him" and with that I could not keep it in any more before I could speak or stop them tears started streaming down my face as soon I felt them running down my cheeks I turned around and ran in side I can't believe it she had actually chosen him over me her best friend or I guess used to be best friend I went straight into my bathroom and got in the shower I like taking showers when I'm crying cause after you get out nobody can tell that you have been crying that and I do my best thinking in the shower. Soon my cries turned into gross sobs and I guess my mom heard because I soon heard her knock on the door "sweetie are you okay" "um ya I'm fine w-why do you ask" I said nervously I did not want them to know I had been crying even though it as obvious they already knew "well me and you father thought we heard crying are you sure alright" yep they knew "well to be honest no I'm not  Penelope hates me cause Charlie is at it again filling her head with lies so she thinks I made up the whole story of punching him and thinks I did it because I was jealous and now she never wants to talk to me again and it hurts it feels like somebody stuck a rusty knife into my heart and twisted it and I can feel it all the way from my head all the way to my stomach and I can barely think about anything with out it making me think of her" "well sweetie I think this would be a good thing to talk to your dad about" " okay I will when I get out of the shower" "okay I love you" "love you too mom" after I heard her leave the room I stood there a couple minutes longer then got out to go and talk to my dad I mean dads are suppose to give their sons good advice right what could go wrong. I waked into the den where he was sitting in his chair looking at something on his computer "uh hey d-dad do you have a minute I need to talk to you about some thing" my voice was a little shaky but I got it under control not wanting to cry in front of my dad not that he would be mad at me for crying or anything I just thought it would be kind of awkward "of course I do olie I meant to ask you buy the way how did things go with Penelope" "well dad that's basically what I needed to talk to you about you  see I told her what had happened and pretty much my worst nightmare came true she completely thought I was lying about Charlie kissing that other girl and thinks I did it because I was jealous of Charlie and the only reason she did not believe me was because Charlie was put the ideal into her head and now she hates me and never wants to talk to me again do you see my predicament" he was silent for a few moments and then he got a look on hid face that looked like what he was about to tell me I was not going to really want to  hear but he was going to tell me anyways because that's all he had "well son it appears to me the best thing you can do now is give her some space and let her figure things out on her own" I was right I did not really what I wanted to hear but I guess that is what I needed to hear so I did what my dad told me to do I gave her space.


(A/N: hello sorry about the super long wait but hey at least I updated so yep there you go)

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