Chapter 1-Basement

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A/n this is for you all Ben Drowned fans. My updates might just be slow but I'll do my best on it. Enjoy story! :D

Readers POV

I walked home with no bruises this time or no new ones anyway. The teenage life is hard. My real dad died in the war and mother had cancer. She couldn't take care of me so I was stuck with me drunk step dad. Thinks aren't always that bad. I just got to keep my distance. Yea...just keep my distance. Just then a speeding truck came towards me. Oh no. Not again...please not again I thought as I ran into a alley way popping out the other side running towards me house. If it wasn't for my bag then I would have been a lot faster.

But no, the truck shot straight up I front of me. Just as I turned around one of them grabbed my bag, pulling me back. Six vs one, this is so unfair! But thing if fair anymore. The one that grabbed my back, pulling it off throwing it aside. This was Chet, the lowest one of the five. Just shoves me around. Chris, tall and loves to shove me into walls. Rick and Nick double team me with double punches, kicks, and all. Max, the youngest, and always leaves me spitting up blood. Sam is the worst one. I'll be honest, he's cute. Well built, strong, short black hair, and lime green eyes.

He makes sure I don't walk without a limp, cuts me with his pocket knife, and throws me like a rag doll. I back up to the wall, which was a big mistake. I shouldn't have done that. Sam lifts my chin up with his finger staring into my e/c eyes. I shake in fear as they just chuckle in pleasure. I did my best not to talk. Sam removed his fingers and looked and the boys walking away. I knew what that meant. They chuckled closing me in.

-Time skip-

I limped back home, thirty minutes late. I know he doesn't like it when I'm late. Looks like I'm going to get punished again. Once I step inside, I saw daddy once again drunk. I coward a bit in fear. Once he saw me I saw nothing but rage filled his eyes. Hear comes the yelling. When his drunk and I come things go down hill

"Were where you?!" He yelled as I trembled. "Uha! Planning to running away?! Uh y/n? Answer me!"

"I wasn't trying to runaway. I promise I wasn't," I almost cried out.

He just growled grabbing my h/c hair, dragging me to his white room, or punishment room. In their anything could happen. I always hated it in their four reasons. One, the room was a solid white room with my red blood on the floor. Two, it looks like a murder scene. Three, it always cold in thier. Four, well I'm always coming out in blood. Just before he could open the door, he passed out. I sigh in relief and took him to his bed to rest. He doesn't mean to over drink, he just dose it on special days and went he gets mad or upset. I wish I could ask what's wrong.

Not just that, he dose have a few disorders. I can't blame him for everything. Once I got him tucked in bed, I went to my room. It's a ok room. I got all the things I need. I sighed. 4:56. What! I looked back at the clock. I ran over to my step dad. I had to wake him up. His had people coming over at 6:20 and all my stuff needs to go to the basement. I quickly opened the door and gentle shook him. Great, his out cold. I thought for a minute. Maybe I can just put the my things in the basement, then wake him up. I sighed and ran into my room and grabbed my desk and carried it down first.

I've never been in the basement before. I set the desk down carefully. I gently put my hand on the rusty door nob. Once I did I got a sudden chill up my spine. Something told me I should leave the door closed, but I ignored it and opened the door. A cool breeze weeped over my face and exposed skin. It was dark and dusty. I flicked the light switch on and picked up the desk. Once I saw the inside, it was empty on the right side of the room, but boxes and a computer sat on the far left side of the room. I carried my desk over to the right side of the room, setting it down carefully. I sighed. I felt like I was being watched. I looked behind me and saw nothing. I glared at the computer and boxes. I shook my head walking out of there.

I shut the door and ran back up the stairs. I grabbed my lamp and my clothes I kept in a bag. I didn't have much but after this I might have more clothes. I carried them down to the basement opening the door the placing my stuff down. Now the fun part. I shut the door and trotted up the stairs. Now the bed. It's a good this it's small. I dragged my mattress, since that's all I had for a bed, down the stairs. Once I got to the basement door I sighed tiredly. I opened the door and put my bed in the corner of the room, on the far right. I got up and stepped out the room, turning out the light. I shut it and I ran up the stairs.

It's 5:15. I got a 1:05 to make dinner and make sure 'dads' ready and clean the white room. I quickly made a steak, peas, corn, rice, and brownies. 6:03. I quickly ran to 'dads' room. He was still sleeping but it seemed he was having a bad dream. He flipped back and forward saying no. I slowly approached him a shook him. He woke up gripping my arm. I winched slightly. He quickly let go and look at me. Is this what was bothering him? His dreams?

"Are you ok?" I asked.

"I-I'm fine y/n, what time is it?" He asked.

"It's 6:05. I already made dinner and got my stuff in the basement," I replied.

His face filled with fear. He sat up gripping my arms tightly. It hurt because of the bruises I already had.

"DID YOU SEE ANYTHING OR ANYONE?!" He asked in a panicked vocie.

"N-no," I trembled.

He signed with relief and loosened his grip.

"You get ready for your meeting ok," I smiled a little.

He just shook his head getting up. I sighed grabbing a rag and a small pale of water. I took it to the white room and scrummed the floors. Once I was done it was 6:18. My eyes widened. I quickly put the stuff away and I was stopped by my step dad.

"Keep this with you," he said quietly, handing me bucket filled with water and two water guns.

I was concered. That's when a knock came to the door. I quickly yet carefully ran to the basement. I open the door turning on the lights. By then I heard voices. I quietly shut the door and set the bucket of water by my bed. My first night in the basement. Cold, lonely, and dim. I signed turning on my lap and turning off my light switch. I lad on my bed and laded there in the dim light room. Why did I need the bucket. I laded there until I here light static. I sat up and saw the computer glitch to a website call Cleverbot.

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