Chapter 23 - Death and Revival

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A/n ~ Lots of POV changes. Ok I know a few readers wanted Jacob to come back, so He will. Don't worry, but his revival comes with a cost. 

Codie held Jacob rocking back and forward as tears fell. Ben bit his lip and placed his hand on Codie's shoulder, causing him to stop. 

"Maybe Slender can bring him back..." Ben sighed. 

Codie picked up his brother and left straight to the mansion. Ben walked the other way to get Y/n back. 


I woke up in a room with my hand bonded in chains above my head. Alec sat in front of me and smirked.

"Your awake."

I glared at him. Why would he do this to me? To his friends? 

"Why?" I asked. 

"Oh Virus...You are so special you don't know how special you are," Alec smiled. "Your not even real. OC/N was made by you, sure...but you were made with those powers."

"What are you talking about?" I snapped. 

"Your nothing more that codes. You and I were made from a computer. I hacked into you, but you have yet to learn to place a virus on me," Alec smirked again. "I figure this out when we were kids. We have no records. Our parents made us because they wanted a child."

I stared at him. Was this true? Was I nothing but a power code? Alec ruffed my hair making me growl.

"See you soon Virus," with that he left me alone in the cold dark room. 

Alec's POV

I hope everything goes as planed. If so then-

"Alec. Zalgo wishes to see us," William sighed sadly.

What dose that bastard want now?

"OK..Lets go." 

William and I walked in silences. Poor bastard...Soon you will be with her. Don't worry...

Codie's POV

I enter Slender's Office and explain what happened. HE took my brother and ordered me to take Jeff, Hoodie, and Masky with me. Anger raced threw my body as I ran to catch up with Ben. Masky, Hoodie, and Jeff behind me. Once I saw Ben I ran and stood by him.

"Anything?" I asked. 

"No..." Ben sighed. 

I growled and continued ahead. Hold on Y/n...Hold on.

Y/n's POV

Zalgo came threw and smirked.

"Well, I lost my daughter trying to get you and now here you are," Zalgo chuckled slightly. "But then again you did lose and good and close friend of yours..."

Wait what? I stared at him. 

"Jacob is gone and for what? A girl who doesn't even exist," Zalgo glared. no no...He can't be gone...anger took over me. 

"Why do you want me so bad!" I asked. 

"I want your powers, but only you can give them to me," Zalgo sighed. 

"As If I would ever give them to you!" 

A sudden bang rang threw the walls. Zalgo vanished.

Alec's POV

Codie ripped out Williams throat and threw him at the thick walls. Hoodie had his gun pointed at me as Ben and Masky closed me in. I can't go down like this...Not yet. Then I saw Zalgo. This is it...I'm sorry Y/n, my little Virus...Once Zalgo tried to kill Hoodie I got in the way and used the one technique I practiced for years. 

It shock electrical shocks everywhere that fried Zalgo's skin. I knew I couldn't kill him because he wasn't human. Our blood was everywhere. Zalgo vanished, thus causing me to clasps. My whole torso was cut open. I laid on my back saw everyone's face in anger and confutation. 

"Why did you do all of this?" Codie asked sitting by me as I prompted myself on the chair. 

"This was all for Virus..." I took a deep breath and let it out shakily. "Zalgo won't be a problem for a good long w-while...I'm sorry about Jacob...I never wanted him to get hurt...I need to get close to Z-Zalgo...So I could finish him off..."

"You did this for Y/n and to kill Zalgo?" Codie asked.

I nodded. 

"Why?" Hoodie asked. "And why did you save me?"

"I did it for Y/n...she found a n-new family...and I wanted to protect it...I save you because y-you are part of her n-new family..." I sighed in pain. 

I wasn't going to last much longer...

"She is in t-the basement...please...please t-take care of my little Virus..." I drew my last breath and everything was black.

Slenderman's POV

I waited for Jacob to get dressed. I did change his appearances a bit. He still had his black hair and red tips but he had The burn he got from William and new ones on the left side of his face. Why? Well I had to move part of the burn he got or else he wouldn't be alive. Really it burned threw his skin. I was able to heal most of it and I did moves a part of it for his survival. 

"Slender? Why did you bring me back?" Jacob asked.

"Because your brother did something for me in return," I replied.

"What did he do?" Jacob asked a little scared to know. 

"He went to save Y/n or in this case my new proxy," I replied.

A/n ~ Yea Jacobs back but Alec is gone...

Ben - I hate you..

I know you do.

Ben - At least Jacobs back. :)

Not for long....hehehe

Ben - Wait what?!

I hope you enjoyed the story so far bye!

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