Chapter 18

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Once Y/n told everyone what it was and explained how she found out they argued and discussed. Mostly argued. Y/n sighed but a sharp pain came to her head. Y/n ended up leading against the tree gripped her head.

'If you want to ever see you friends alive again I suggest you come here alone  before tomorrow...'

She blinked. She need to help them, fast. Sighing she went on her own, leaving them behind. I'm sorry...Y/n sighed running out to a big Pine tree and sat. Ok I need to find out where I need to go...I sighed trying to tap into my powers.

Where do I need to meet you?

Your friends and I are at Rosswood Park. Trust me it not to far from where your at. I have eyes everywhere.

I'll make you pay for what you did...

We'll see...

I stood up and climbed up the tree until I reached the top. Once I did I saw a small park a bit aways. If I start walking now then I should be there by day break. I sighed climbing down and started on my way.

Alec POV

I stuck around their small camp, until I saw Y/n leaving. I sighed. She is most likely to go find them herself. I snuck around and sat in front of Jacob and Ben. It wasn't them that's for sure. I sighed before closing my eyes. I have to find out whats wrong with them. It wasn't long until I appeared in Jacob mind.

"Jacob..." I called out with no answer.

It was nothing but cold walls, one window, which showed dead gray grass and a dark purple sky and in the middle of it all, three gravestones. On the walls were drawings of Jacob burning, drowning, hanging, or shooting himself. Writing was on them as well. It was quiet clear, he blames himself for everything.


I turned and saw Jacob standing there in shock. I walked over slowly.


I felt a pair of arms around me. I smiled and hugged him back. Once we broke apart I saw tear stained on his cheek.

"I thought you were dead...Codie and the other.." Jacob paused and looked away.

"What happen to them and why are you thinking like this?" I gestured to the room we were in.

"Alec, I killed my parents, I failed as a brother, and I didn't do as you promised..." Jacob sighed. "Besides, I think the CP are better for her than I am.."

I slapped him, then pulled him in a tight embrace.

"Shut up, you didn't fail at anything. There was nothing you could have done...Once I 'died' I came back a few months later...I never thought you would be like this," I sighed and pulled back.

"I'm sorry...But I must ask. Why are you here?" Jacob asked putting his hands in his pocket.

"I need to know what happened. "

"I took over is what happened..."

Jacob gripped his head tightly. I held on to him to support him. A dark chuckled echoed off the walls.

"Show yourself!" I demanded.

A figure stepped out of the shadows. It looked like Zalgo, but human like...Then it hit me. They put a part of Zalgo's blood in him and Ben...

"So, I see you have returned to the living...I still have that offer for you," Zalgo smiled.

"I told you, no."

"Then I guess Y/n will be dead with the next day...or.." Zalgo paused.

"Or what?" I growled, holding Jacob closer to me.

"Or, you can join me and destroy the Pasta's and keep you sister alive. If not that then Jasper can take care of her..."

"Alec don't..."

"Fine, but in turn Jacob, Codie, and Sam's group will be unharmed and Jacob and Ben will have there body's back," I snapped.


I left Jacobs mind and saw the CP's staring at me. I sighed at looked back at Jacob and Ben. Zalgo let go of there body's as promised. Sighing I cut them lose and left after my sister.

Jacobs POV

I can't believe what he just did...How can he work for him after all the he has done. I stood up and ran after him, with Ben quickly trailing behind. Alec stopped at a tall pine tree. I quickly made my way to him.

"Alec, how could you do that! You should that he won't hold on to the deal! Not only that but Y/n and Ben have a small spark growing and now your just going to kill it?!"

"Jacob, all I need you to do is trust me," Alec sigh.

"We have to stop Y/n..." Ben panted slightly behind us.

"Agreed," Alec replied before walking straight.

I glared at him and looked at Ben who was just staring at the ground.

"You ok Ben?"

"I'm fine..It just that I heard to conversation that you too were having inside your head...If he wants us dead then I will go down willingly...For Y/n sake..."

I stared at him will sadness...He truly love her.

"Lets go.." I whispered.

Ben nodded as we started to walking to keep up with Alec.

A/n ~ Hey! Sorry for the long wait but here you go! I want to here your ideas. What should happen next?

So cute! >.<

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