Chapter 12

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A/n - Hey guys! Wattpad is acting strange...I don't know but maybe it's just me. Anyways enjoy the story.

Ben Drowned's POV

I watched turn around and get under the blanket and settle. I sighed and laid down and thought about what Jacob said. Yes I was concerned. I shook my head putting my thoughts aside and went to sleep.

I was surrounded in darkness. I looked around to see no one there. I sighed until I heard a males voice call my name.


I turned around to meet E/c eyes. I stepped back a bit. He looked a bit like Y/n.

'No need to be scared. Yet. My name is Alec,' he chuckled.

With that he vanished and appeared behind me putting me in head lock. He had a strong grip. I felt his breath on my right ear.

'I have always hated you pastas but it seems my sister hasn't taken my warning'

I tried to get out of his grip only to fade into a place with the scene of my death. I was frozen as it replayed one time. I turned around to see Alec smirking. That's when I noticed I was on the edge of a cliff. At the bottom was fast flowing water. Alec gripped to front of my shirt.

'Now I have a question. If I like your answer you will live. I will know if your lying.'

For the first time in forever I felt true fear.

'What is my sister to you? After all you did take her in.' Alec had a strange ora about him that made he fear him.

His ora was strong. Jacob or Codie said something of him having powers...

'She had a rough life, she lost you and her parents, mistreated in school, and alone. I thought I could help her and give her a change of happiness. A life she deserved,' I answered.

With that we were in a field with blossoms and a great oak. Alec let go of me.

'I have a question. Are you still alive?' I asked.

'Yes, but you mustn't tell Y/n she will...look, just do tell her, but before I going I must ask. Will you protect her forever?'

'Always' (Alan Rickman quote I miss him dearly)

'That's all we need to know.'

I woke up in a cold sweat. What did he mean by that's all 'we' need to know. Who's we. I thought were interrupted by a shivering Y/n. I scooted over to her and wrapped one arm on her waist to keep her warm. She must have woken up, because she turned and snugged into my chest.

"Thank you," she whispered.

I kissed the top of her head and held her. With that we both when to sleep. When I awoke I saw Y/n curled up next to me with my arm around her waist. I started to remember the dream that I had. Alec's voice continued to echo in my head. I look at her sleeping form to see her smiling. I smiled and stared at her. When she awoke her eyes were sad for a split second then face face came a deep shade of red. I smirked.

"Hey beautiful."

"H-hey," Y/n smiled nervously at me.


Its so freaking cold! i though. I felt Bens arm go around my waist which turn out to be warm. I turned around a snuggled into his warm body. I felt save in his arms.

"Thank you," I whispered.

Ben kissed the top of my head and held me. I let myself fall into darkness.

I woke up in a field where I saw Mom and Dad with Alec but there side. Ran up to them hugging them tightly. They all hugged back. Once I broke away I smiled with tears streaming down my face. Alec placed his hands on my cheeks and brushed my tears away with his thumb. I placed my hands on top of his. soon his hands fell from my cheeks.

'We want you to be careful around Ben ok..and the others,' Alec said with a sad smile.

'Yes and Y/n. You are the only one who can keep peace,' Mom smiled.

'We must go, but know that we love you,' Dad smiled ruffling my hair.


'Its ok, I promise will all be together again, but for now please be careful and trust in yourself..' Alec whispered before vanishing.

I woke up, but quick seeing Ben with his arm around me. I blushed.

"Hey Beautiful," Ben smirked.

''H-hey...'' I choked out.

I looked stared at him for a while until I felt his lips on mine. It was a soft and more of a peck. He got up, and help me up getting out of then tent. I was a beautiful day for training.

A/n Ok so this is done. Have a nice day.

Ben Drowned x Reader A Glitchy HeartWhere stories live. Discover now