Chapter 8 - The Past

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A/n Hey guy! I hope you are have a good day! Here's more!! This chapter is mainly about the past of your brother and Jacob. I figured you should know a little about them. If your easily emotional then grab some tissue.

Hack's POV

I know that Codie and Jacob went to Slenderman's Mansion. Again. Emily and Dominic are persuading the maids. Yes maids. All girls. Codie just said it had to be all girls.  On the other hand, sadly Jacob thinks about suicide. Codie doesn't know yet. Like he doesn't know that Jacob killed there parent's. Jacob draws pictures of him bleeding to death, hanging, burning, and drowning with writing by it. 'I deserve this', 'I'm a monster', and 'Don't cry over me, because I don't deserve your tears or pity'.

When I asked Jacob about this tears ran down his face and made me promise not to tell Codie. He said the reason for this is because he killed his parents. With Jacob's permission we went back in time to see him stabbing his mother in the neck. Jacob was only 8. She was under Zalgo's control. There father, Edwin, death was worse. Codie was there with Emily, Dominic, Sam, and Jacob. I remember it to well. Edwin look at Jacob and said end my misery. When Codie yelled and cures saying no. Sam and Dominic had to hold him back.

Jacob look away with tears in his  eyes. Codie kept yelling, but Jacob did as his father wished pulling the trigger of the gun. Jacob was 10 when that happen. Codie was able to get out of there grip and yelled at Jacob. Saying he was a monster,  a murdered, unforgivable asshole, and a despicable brother wishing him to die. Sam took him away from his brother. Codie didn't ever talk to Jacob, until Jacob went to the mansion to ask Slender to erase his memory of his father's death. With that done Codie was smiling and laughing. Jacob on the other hand stayed quite.

That was until he met Alec. He was a sweet young teen who knew about Jacob's secret. Y/n and Jacob had a connection because of Alec. Jacob was happy until he was shot and died on the way to the hospital. Jacob was in the truck with them. He keeping crying and said, I cant do this alone. Alec smiled and whispered out, I will always be with you, forever. Those where his last words as he died. Before the day of the shooting Alec told me to make sure Y/n was safe  and sound. That she was destain for great things. I knew that to be true.

After the death Jacob locked himself in his room for almost a week. I ended up going in to see him on the floor with pills scattered around the floor. I checked for a pulse to see it was weak. Codie wasn't around because that day was Alec's funeral. I rushed him to the hospital not bothering to tell Codie. Once I got him there the doctors took care of him. Once he was awake he glared at me. He said I should have let him died. He was in a hospital gown so I could see all the cuts in his arm. He didn't see any reason to live.

He lost his parents, Alec, and Y/n. He said he couldn't even look at her anymore. Looking at her is like looking at Alec and he was right. I told him that he had me, Codie, and his other friends. It wasn't until a week later for Jacob to get out of the hospital. Codie asked what happened. I said that Jacob was helping out there. I had to. Jacob trusted me not to tell his brother about this stuff. Right now I was polishing the wood around the house when Jacob and Codie came back. I sighed and kept to myself.


I was frozen in anger and sadness. I knew but for it to come for someone else. It hurt so bad. Tears rolled down my cheeks. Before anyone could say anything I ran up the stairs and into Ben's room and hid in a corner of his room. I cried silently. Alec was all way there. When our dad died he told us that we need to be happy for him and that he was still with us. I was only 6 when dad died. Before going to the school I go to now, when I was bullied Alec was there and he stood up to them. He didn't care if he got hurt as long as I was OK.

Once Alec broke one of the guys arm they left us alone. People loved my brother. He was nice and helped those who where being bullied and told them everything will be OK. The people who tried to commit suicide or cut them self's Alec told them they had a bright future to look up to and the ones that love them can help. He told them everyday that they were special, beautiful, and that he care for them which was true. He cared about anyone who need help.

Once some of the kids or bullies heard that Alec was making them feel better about themselves, they all came after him. Beating, kicking, call him very hurtful things, and said thing about dad. I punched one of them only to be knocked out. I woke up in my room to see Alec covered in black and purple bruise, cuts, red marks, and blood. Once Alec saw me up he smiled and hugged me. I hugged back.

I asked what happened and he said he was beat up for being nice. He said so bluntly. At 10 we moved in with our future step dad. He was OK then. Our first day at the new school we were asked to sit with Sam, Codie, Nick, Rick ,Chet, Max, and Jacob. They loved my brother. I would do small talks with Jacob and Codie. Codie wasn't a player or anything when my brother was there. About a year later mom was sent to the hospital.

Just years later Alec was shot. Then they ended up yelling at me and telling me to leave them alone. Codie and Jacob didn't though. They said they were sorry and that was it. I was 12 when Alec died. I'm 15 now. I hugged my knees and cried. I want him back! I never got to tell him I loved him or thanked him for all the things he did. I never got to say goodbye...

Someone came in and hugged me on my side. I turned and gave a proper hug crying. I noticed it was Ben. I was to shaken up and hurt. I was in Ben's arms until I fell asleep.

Ben's POV

I watched as she left the room. Jeff and I glared at Hoodie.

"It wasn't my fault!" Hoodie growled. "We were ordered to!"

"Yea and now she has no one! No family, no one to trust or count on!" I yelled.

"Why do you care so much for a human?!" Masky yell.

"Because unlike you I have a heart!" I yelled.

I walked off before anyone could say something. I put my ear to my door to hear. Her crying. I sighed quietly and walked in. Once I saw her I hugged her on the side. She turned around and hugs me properly crying. She was so shaken up. I rubbed her back gentle as she slowly fell asleep. I sighed and put her on my bed. I kissed her head and when to my computer logging into Cleverbot.  

Jacob's POV

Codie tried to talk to me but I just went up to my room and locked it. I pulled my knife out from my dresser pulling up my hoodie sleeve. I growled and took it off completely. I ran the blade across my wrists and up my arms. I watched as the blood ran down my arms and past my fingers. I couldn't get her face out of my head. I grabed bandages and rapped my arms so the blood won't go all over the floor. Codie keeps asking if I'm OK but I never answer. I deserve more pain than this, after what I've done. I don't deserve to live. Or my brothers love.

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