Chapter 2-Sweet Dreams

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Readers POV

I stared at the computer for a minute before slowly walking towards it. Something told me not to touch it by I didn't listen.  I sat down in the chair that sat I front of the desk. I slowly typed.

Y/n: Hello.

Cleverbot: Hello, how are you?

Y/n: Sleepy.

Cleverbot: Oh. Well why don't you get some sleep?

Y/n: I don't know? Why don't you tell me?

Cleverbot: How can I tell you something I don't know?

Y/n: I don't know...

Cleverbot: Can I ask you a few questions?

Y/n: Sure.....
Cleverbot: Have you heard of Creepypasta?

Y/n: Fictional killers. Yes I have heard about Creepypasta. It's all I heard from the kids at the school.

Cleverbot: Oh really, Y/n. Fictional killers?

Y/n: Wait how do you know my name?!

Cleverbot: Do you know who haunts this website?

Y/n: Ben Drowned....

Cleverbot: You are correct y/n. Sweet dreams...

With that the screen when off, the room became pitch black, and a demonic chuckle was heard across the room. A cold breeze filled the room.

"You have met with a terrible fate, y/n" the voice chuckled.

All the darkness seemed to be consumed by the computer. The lamp light came back on I look at the computer screen and saw sweet dreams y/n. I shook. It look to be as if written in blood. I fade away as soon as a read it. I shook my head, crawling into bed. I closed my eyes letting sleep over come me.

I appeared in a place of darkness. Black as night sky's, gray grass as if it were to be dead, and a blood red river. I noticed this is the place where mom and I would play, but it was so dead like. A cold whistling  wind blew threw to air making me shutter. There was a boat on the side of the lake, wrecked and rotted. A boy probably around my age and a man, who looked kinda like my step dad actually, looked like they were yelling at each other yet I can't hear a word they say; the sound was muffled and I understood nothing going on. Assuming they were father and son, I realized they were engaged in a heated argument. I was scared. I wanted to help, but I couldn't move. It was like my  feet were glued to the ground. I watched the heated argument and before I knew it, the boy was hit in the head, falling in the river. My eyes grew with fear. That's when I fall in darkness. It was pitch black, hard to breath, it was as if I was levitating. Once I look straight I saw the boy with his eyes shut peacefully, his blond hair waving gentle. When he opened his eyes they were a solid black with red irises, black liquid running down his eyes, looking like blood, his clothing changed, looking like links. I stared in horror. He just smirked at me. In a flash I was on the dead, grey grass with the boy standing over me. I laded there paralyzed in fear.
"You have met with a terrible y/n," he chuckled down at me.

My head shot up out of bed, breathing hard. I look over at my computer and saw Cleverbot logged up again. I glared over at it. I shook my head and typed.

Y/n: What do you want for me?!

Cleverbot: What are you talking about?

Y/n: Look I'm really not in the mood...If your planing to kill me then do it ok. I'm tried of being pushed around, teased, and hit.

Cleverbot: Do you like video games?

Y/n: Never have the chance to play them....but can I ask you a question?

Cleverbot: Sure.

Y/n: Are you Ben Drowned? If so then please listen to me. Drowning is the worse why to die. If I was really there when it happen, I would have tried to help you...

Cleverbot: ...look in the boxes.

With that Cleverbot shut off. I got up and look at the boxes.

A/n sorry it's short, but tell me what you think of the first two chapters please and thank you. 

Ben Drowned x Reader A Glitchy HeartWhere stories live. Discover now