Chapter 9

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A/n - Hey guys! Wattpad is acting strange. Sorry for long waits.

Ben Drowned POV

I sighed and sat there watching as Y/n slept. Smiling I when down stairs and saw Masky and Hoodie staring at the kitchen table. Jeff was sitting at the couch watching TV. It was quiet. To be honest I never met to yell like that, I kinda just snapped. I shook my head and when into the kitchen. Masky and Hoodie saw me by looked away.

"I-I'm sorry that I snapped at you, but sorry don't cut shit and I know that," I sighed quietly.

"Its ok Ben. Everyone snaps at some point," Masky answered quietly.

"How's Y/n?" Hoodie asked.

"Asleep," I  answered going to the fridge.

I decided to make a sandwich or two for Y/n. Once I made them I grabbed a water bottle and took it upstairs. Once I got up there I smiled and set the food and water on the table. I gently brushed Y/n's H/c hair out of her face. She look so clam and peaceful, but that changed quickly. Her face when into pure terror. Nightmare.

I gentle shook Y/n trying to wake her up. Her body squirmed in my grip until her E/c eye's snapped open. Sadness and fear filled her face.  I rubbed one of her arms trying to calm her down. Y/n let out a shaky breath before turning away from me. I sighed and sat on my bed.

"Ben?" Y/n whispered.

"Yes Y/n," I answered.

"Why I'm I here, or even alive? What is the purpose of my life?" Y/n asked with a shaken up voice.

"Because there is still people that care about you, like Codie and Jacob. Besides you will find out the purpose of your  life, and I can help you if you'd like," I smiled.

Reader's POV

I appeared at my old house will Alec by my side, but he looked older. He smiled and took my hands. Tears of joy ran down my eye's as i hugged him tightly.
"I love Y/n," Alec whispered.
"I love you too," I cried.
Then  he vanished. I was at the war my dad was in, but it was over. I saw Slender in the battlefield standing there. I walked towards him until I saw what he was standing by. My fathers corps. I tried to ran to him, but they vanished. All I saw was darkness. I was scared. That's when I saw Alec, my mother, my father, and was suppose to be future step dad. I took a step back.
"We all died for you," mother spoke.
"You are something bigger than the Creepypasta's," Alec smiled.
"Trust in yourself," father whispered.
"Don't trust Ben or the other Creepypasta's," Ben's father said coldly.
My mother had a yellow static ora around as father had a green one. Alec glitched and twitched the color blue. I was scared. That's when I felt something grabbed me covering my mouth. I tried to get out there grip but..

I woke to see Ben holding me. I was scared but sad at the same time. Ben gentle rubbed his hand up and down my arm. I let out a shaky breath before turning away. Tears streamed down my face. I heard Ben sigh softly.


"Yes Y/n," Ben answered.

"Why I'm I here or even alive? What is the purpose of my life," I quivered.

"Because there is still people that care about you, like Codie and Jacob. Besides you will find out the purpose of you life, and I can help you if you'd like," Ben answered softly.

More tears when down my face. The dream that I had. Can I really trust him? I sighed and hugged Ben. Ben hugged back rubbing my back.

"I made you something to eat if your hunger," Ben smiled once we broke apart.

I look over and saw sandwiches and water. I smiled slightly. Maybe I should just keep my distance.

Codie POV

I sighed. Jacob was always avoiding me. I leaned on his door with my back on it. Hack came over and saw me sitting on the floor. I stood up and stared at him.

"Get Sam and the other's in his group," I ordered.

"As you wish," Hack answered.

Ben Drowned x Reader A Glitchy HeartWhere stories live. Discover now