Chapter 10

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A/n - Hey guys! Wattpad is acting strange...I don't know but maybe it's just me. Anyways enjoy the story.

Hoodie POV

After Ben apologized Masky and I went into the woods for a walk. It was nice to be outside. I do feel bad for killing her parents and brother, but if Masky and I didn't then Zalgo would have done it himself, or put them all in a life of hell and slavery. 

Sam's POV

I was walking alone in the rain. I hate myself. I ever should have abused Y/n. In all honesty I like seeing her, because seeing her is like seeing her brother. He enjoyed our company, care about us and others who suffer. I'm also concerned about Jacob. He isn't very talkative or social. Mostly I hope that he is ok, after what happen to him and what he did.

He never want to kill his parents. It was Zalgo's fault. His son, Ty, is different. Ty and Alec have met a few times.  They were good friends. Ty's sister, Zerena, is abitch who has been trying to kill us. Ty has been challenging her or facing her, keeping her off of me and my gang.

I walk past a alley way and saw a girl, not any girl. Azul. Jacob and Codie's sister. Her hair is like Codies but is longer. I ran in checking for a pulse. Thank God she is alive. She isn't a vampire yet. I picked her up and took her to my place. Once I made to my house I saw Zerena and her boyfriend threw the widow, with my gang. Hell no.

A hand came over my mouth. I turned to see Hack and Ty. Thank goodness. Azul squirmed in my arms and leand into my chest.

"Take her to Jacob and Codie," I ordered Hack.

He nodded and took her away. Ty smirked at me and I smirked back.

"Ready?" I asked.


Codie's POV

I stayed at Jacob's door until Hack came back with Azul in his hands. I stood up and saw her injuries.

"What happen and where did you find her?" I asked.

"Sam gave her to me to bring her hear," Hack answered putting her in my arm's.

"Jacob get your ass out here now!" I yelled.

I didn't hear any movement or sign.


No response. Azul woke up in my arm's.

"Codie?" Azul whispered out.

I smiled and gentle hugged her, avoiding to gash at her side.

"Please put me down.." Azul said above a whisper.

I did so for her only to see her stumble a little. Hack helped her and got to sit on the floor gently. I turned to Jacob's door a knocked again. Still nothing. I had it. I busted down the door to see Jacob in the same condition as Azul. I ran in and held him. he was Alive but just.

Jacob and I are half breeds. Half vampire and half human. Believe me. I hated it. Azul leaned on my slightly. Hack ran in and grabbed him from me.

"I will take care of him and you take care of her," Hack said.

I did as told.

Time skip

Azul sat on the couch staring at Jacob as I paced in the room. Hack when to put the stuff away. What would make his do this. Why would he. Minutes later Sam, Ty and his gang came in with Hack. They where in bad shape. I walk towards Sam and hugged him. He hugged back. WYI Were Not GAY!

"What happened?" Sam asked.

"I wish I knew," I answered as we pulled apart.

"I see Azul is alive," Ty said.

I look over at her to see her with depression in her face. I sat next to her, as did Hack.

"You need me?" Sam asked.

"Yes, I wanted you to find Chloe and Dominc," I whispered.

"I'll take care of that later."

After a bit Jacob twitched before sitting up. I grabbed him in my arms and hugged him tightly. Jacob just growled pushing me off.

"Leave me alone..." was all he said.

Azul and Hack sat by him. Sam put his hand on my shoulder.

"I said LEAVE MY FUCK ALONE!" Jacob yell glaring into my eyes.

"No! Why have you been avoiding us!? Why have did you try to commit suicide?! Tell me what is wrong?!" I yell stand up causing Sam and Azul to back off.

Hack grabbed my arm tightly, "calm down."

Anger, fear, and a hint of sadness filled the room.

"Fine! You want to know why?! Because I am and monster! A Killer!" Jacob shout standing in front of me. "I killed mom and dad! Alec is gone! I have nothing more to really live for! I don't deserve my life," Jacob cried out.

I was more than piss right now.

"I'm Going To KILL You!" I yelled lunging at him.

Before I could grab him Sam and Hack pulling me away.

"How dare you kill our own family you ASSHOLE!!" I thrash trying to get out of there grip.

Memories filled my head. One where I saw him kill our father, and one where Slenderman erased my memory of it. Sam held me in my room as Hack locked the door. I was so piss right now.

"Codie, listen to me!" Sam ordered.

"NO!" I said finally getting out of his grip.

Sam gripped my arms tightly making me face him.

"He killed they because of Zalgo! Your mother was possessed and Jacob put your father out of misery because he asked him too. It wasn't his fault," Sam growled.

Tears went down my face. Sam pulled my into a hug and I hugged back, crying on his shoulder. Seconds later we heard a gunfire. Sam and I had to break down the door. What we saw was Hoodie and Masky attacking us. I pull out my knife before throwing into Maskys leg and tackled Hoodie to the ground.

"What are you doing here! We aren't a threat!" I yelled.

"To us you are."

That's when 'Hoodie' turned into Zerena. That meant..oh shit.

Y/n's POV

Ben was play a video game call Assassins Creed. I just watched him play. I couldn't shake the dream out of my head. I sighed quietly and continued to watched Ben from his bed.

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