Chapter 5: Your not supposed to be here

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Chapter 5

~Adrian's POV~

Once we got to the jewelry store Danni started walking around looking at all the rings.

I know what your thinking, as the man I'm supposed to pick out the ring and propose the traditional way but I didn't want to be traditional.

Nothing about our relationship is actually traditional.

"Hey AJ, come here!" I walked over to her standing directly behind her.

She looked up at me raising her eyebrow at me before pointing to the ring case that was in front of us. I looked at it my eyes bulging out of socket.

"I'm just kidding I wanted to see your face, it was so worth it. Anyway, come on...." I sighed of relief as she took my hand dragging me to her real choice.

It was made up of two colors. On the inside was was black and the outside was silver. It was encrusted with small blue diamonds with one big white one in the center.

"I know it's odd but I think it's pretty cool honestly" I nodded looking closer.

I liked it, they also had it in bands for males. I asked the clerk for it in her size as well as my own. She looked up at me and I smiled.

"So who's the lucky lady? Are you her sister or a friend?" Danni looked up at me and winked before looking at the clerk smirking

"No, actually it's me" the clerk looked up wide eyed looking between the both of us checking our facial expressions. It took everything in me not to laugh then and there

"But, your not supposed to be here, he's supposed to propose...and...." She was having a little tantrum pulling her hair and ranting about those traditional things.

Honestly the only thing I heard was..... well I couldn't really tell you what I heard because I wasn't really listening to her.


"Actually, he already proposed, he just didn't know which ring to get" the clerk sighed looking content.

"Oh ok, well I guess it's ok then" she smiled happily walking away

"Your such a liar." She looked up at me raising her eyebrow

"Do you really wanna go there with me today?" I raised my hands in defense shaking my head her laughing being the only response I got

"So...." She looked at me waiting for me to go on but I didn't. She punched me in the arm and I was about to hit her back when the clerk came back out a big smile on her face

"Here you are, I'll be right back" I smiled and nodded waiting for her to come back

We finally got both of the rings and walked out of the store. I fake yawned putting my arm around Danni's shoulder.

She looked up at me rolling her eyes before getting out of my hold and walking away.

She disappeared to who knows where. I was going to follow her but I decided to turn around and sit on the bench that was calling my name hoping she would eventually come back.

I let my eyes slowly close relaxing not having a care at the moment.

For once I had nothing to worry about, everything was on track

~Danni's POV~

I was finally finished grabbing the few things that I needed and I was now ready to leave.

I half expected Adrian to follow me being overprotective as usual but of course he was being a lazy bum and I now had to go and find him.

I walked back to the place where I left Adrian only to see him sitting on a bench some girl on his lap with his arms wrapped around her, with his eyes closed which was actually kind of weird.

Either way I was pissed.

By the time I spoke I was beyond angry and I couldn't stop myself from going off

"Well Adrian since your currently busy I'll find a way home you can just enjoy yourself with this bi-- uhm lovely young lady." His eyes snapped open and he looked at me with a guilty expression on his face.

I couldn't think of anything so I flipped him off.

Then I ran knowing he would try to stop me.

~Adrian's POV~

Someone sat on my lap so, thinking if was Danni I wrapped my arms around her not bothering to open my eyes. I heard footsteps which came to a sudden stop.

"Well Adrian since your currently busy I'll find a way home you can just enjoy yourself with this bi-- uhm lovely young lady." I knew it was Danni's voice so i opened my eyes, immediately feeling guilty.

Then Danni ran off not even giving me a chance to get to her. I looked at the girl who was on my lap just seconds ago realizing it was my ex from 3 years ago Chelsea.

"What the fuck did you do?" She looked at me with a smirk

"What?" I tried to control my anger but it wasn't working to well with her playing the stupid trick well maybe it wasn't really a trick

Now that I think about it she was always being stupid, I was cut off from my thoughts by her annoying nasally voice

"Who was that anyway? Your sister? A new tramp? Ooh I know a whore?" I looked at her then speaking through gritted teeth

"No, that's my fiancée, now if you'll excuse me I have to go find her because a tramp or better yet a bitch just made me lose her" she looked at me wide eyed but I ran off after Danni before she could speak.

I couldn't find Danni anywhere so I decided to go back to her house.

Jacob was sitting on the counter. I gave him a fake smile before speaking

"Is Danni back here already?" He looked at me raising his eyebrow

"Yea after running 3 miles she's here" I just stared at him not having anything to say

"Such a dumbass" he mumbled before nodding towards the steps.

I nodded making my way up the steps toward her room thinking of what to say.

I opened the door to see her laying across the bare bed.

"Look Danni......" She held her hand up at me

"Don't want to hear it, but what I do want to know is where your people took all my stuff" I looked around at the empty room before realization finally hit me.

Well shit


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