Chapter 9:It took 6 articles of clothing for me to lose it

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Hi there *waves and smiles*

I know its been awhile so I added a recap and heres chapter 9



Smiling I pulled out a pair oh white basketball shorts which surprisingly fit me. I also found a black T-shirt that was to big but it works for the time being.

I walked down the steps to have both of them staring at me raising an eyebrow.

"What? I was cold" Ash looked at Adrian smirking

"Yup she's definitely the one for you and to celebrate that we're going to have drinks."

I closed my eyes this night was only going to get worse...


Chapter 9

~Danni's POV~

"Adrian I think we should just leave, I'm pretty tired" I tried to reason to no avail

"It's not even late and it'll be fun" he smiled trying to lighten my move but it wasn't helping

"Round out the drinks" Ash yelled to someone... I don't actually know who and I didn't really care

And drinks they brought... Nonstop like this was normal

Which it probably was...not that I would know

Ash was currently on beer number six and Adrian just grabbed beer number eight

That's when I decided to stop counting figuring it wasn't worth my precious time anymore.

"Come on DC, just have one drink with me, only one" Adrian slurred trying to walk over to me without falling

I looked up at him as he smirked at me holding an open beer extremely close to my face

A little to close for comfort...

"No thanks I think I'm just gonna go" he looked at me with what i assumed to be a hurt expression

"Nonsense, your going to stay and have a drink with me, come on live a little" I raised my eyebrow and sat on the couch thinking of a way to get out.

Unfortunately all my attempts to escape failed and I was stuck a little longer than I would have wanted

Just my luck....


As predicted they both got beyond drunk.

It took 6 articles of clothing for me to lose it and decide to leave as fast I possibly could

Ash was already passed out on the couch only in boxers and Adrian was... Well he is currently on the table stripping not to far behind him.

I took a picture for black mail and decided to leave.

I grabbed my dress and shoes heading out the door. I mad the journey back to the house in the dark since it was after 1 am

I would be lying if I said I wasn't scared shitless

Once I made it back safely I realized the door was locked and I didn't think to take Adrian's keys when I left

And I sure as hell wasn't going back to that place.

I weighed my options either pick the lock, try knocking or find an open window. I went with the latter figuring it was easiest

I eventually found one and carefully climbed inside making as little noise as possible

Once I made it safely inside I was greeted by Maria looking at me wide eyed holding a baseball bat ready to swing

Why did I have the feeling that was about to go down and not in my favor?

Again just my luck


New chapter whoo, hope you enjoyed it even though it was short.



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