To Hell and Back

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"Huh," said Harry waking up from a sweat induced sleep. He looked at his alarm clock, the blue florescent numbers read 6:28 A.M. and 15 seconds counting. He looked out his window. Right at that moment a flash a lightning flashed right outside his window, "ah'' screamed Harry as he flew back and landed flat on his back. His parents came running in to see if he was okay. Harry stood up and told them he was okay. As they left his room they told him breakfast was ready.


*boom* "Ah" screamed Will waking up from the worst nightmare ever. He looked at his alarm clock 6:18, he turned to grab his book and write about his horrible dream. In it there was a huge apocalypse and in the end he died. Will shivered at the thought of being bit during an apocalypse let alone dying by his comrades hand. he looked at the clock again 6:28 A.M. His parents wouldn't be waking up for another two hours. Will snuck out of his house though his window so that he could go hand out at Provo High School until morning.

Four Hours Later

Harry walked the path that he walked every Saturday along the country to the city. The reason he did this was to see what cute girls where there and to hang out with his city friends. when he got closer to the city he noticed that all the cars where on the other side of the road. "Weird," said Harry normally the streets of Provo where packed with cars and people but everyone was gone. Harry checked his IPhone and said, "its not Sunday." Then Harry veered a corner and saw a load of people. "Hey," said Harry with a intent to get someones attention, "where is everybody." Next thing Harry knew he was on the floor. "Hey I need to get you out of here," said a voice Harry's vision came back to him and he saw a little kid standing above him, "get off me you brat," said Harry.

"Sorry i was just trying to save you from the roamers," said the boy sincerely. "Maybe next time don't tackle me," said harry, "now if you excuse me i have some more nicer people to talk to-" The kid interrupted him, "you need to come with me there's some people who gave me you description and told me to come find you," said there names where Louis, Liam and Niall." "OK," said Harry, "lead me to them."


Will was running. His nightmare had come true. He just kept running. Running. Running. Till he ran into a kid and his father. They took shelter in a nearby gun store. Will noticed three teenagers out on the streets they told the teens to join them. The teenagers told them about a guy named Harry and the kid went to find him. While the kid was gone Will took a brake and looked around to see if he could find any ammo just in case the walkers found them. Will could here the teenager talking about this band there started. It was called One Command. Will found the ammo and grabbed some suppressors then walked out just in time to see the man's kid come back from his suicide run to get Harry. Harry was happy to see his friends and thanked the kid and the man bandaged up the back of Harry's head and Harry met Will.

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