New Friends and Old Toys

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Andie came to breakfast this morning with a sad/angry face. I tried to talk to her. "Hey Andie," I said trying to act normal. I haven't talked to Andie that much but she looked like she needed someone to talk to. "Hey Kino," she said holding back some tears. "Did something happen," I asked. She was silent. This was normal ever since Will left but it was different she couldn't keep her tears back. Everyone finished and left the cafeteria. It was only me and Andie in there. Andie turned to me and started to hug me. She told me that Will came to see her last night and had two hickies on him. One was hers and the other one from another girl. We say there for a little longer before she let me go and we went are separate ways to our quarters.


I woke up surprisingly warm. I remember it raining and it being cold. But then I noticed that I was in a room. I turned my head left and right to get a better look at my surroundings. I noticed Will next to me. But he had no clothes on! I looked down. I had no clothes ether. Will woke up with a smile. "W-Will why a-are we b-both n-n-na without clothes on," I asked nervously. Will quickly answered, "well our shelter from last night got too water damaged so we were covered in water, luckily we where near my old house so I took us there, I removed your clothes so you wouldn't get a cold, then I did the same, then I cuddled you close to keep me warm." "T-That was n-nice but w-where are o-our clothes," I asked. "They are on the other room," Will said yawning, "you can go get yours on, don't worry I won't peek." I trusted Will. He closed his eyes and covered them to show he wasn't going to peek. I got up and went into the other room and found my close in the dryer. "I'm surprised this place still has power," I said to Will though the door.
"No it doesn't," said will, "I used a back up generator to power them but it's probably empty." I finally got my clothes on and asked Will if he had clothes on. He replied saying he did.
When I walked in Will was putting a revolver in his holster, then he grabbed a pocket knife I had never seen before and a baseball bat. He was also in new clothes that he must of gotten from his drawers. "You look nice," I said with a smile. Will turned around and smiled back saying, "thank you." He put a necklace on that had some sort of blade on it. "What's that," I asked. "It's a scissor blade," answered Will, "it's from an anime." "Wait your into anime," I asked Will. He gave me a firm nod. Will's nose started to bleed. "OMG ARE YOU OKAY," I asked. "What do you mean," asked Will while wiping his nose, "ohh, this normally happens, just look at the pillow." Will pointed at the pillow. It had a spot of dried blood right where he slept. "What," I said confused. "It also happened when I carried you here," said Will. "Why," I asked. " Let's just say that water and white shirts don't mix," said Will. "Gross you pervert," I yelled at him. "Well this pervert saved your life twice," said Will. "When was the second time," I asked. "I saved you from a cold," Will said proudly. "Oh in that case you can keep me from getting a cold every night." I said. "Wait are you saying that I can cuddle with you every night," asked Will. I answered, "maybe."

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2016 ⏰

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