Crossing Tides

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Rachael woke up from the most delightful dream. In it she was dating one of the singers in a band. She knew about the band because one of her friend's friend's was the director of it. The band was called One Command. She would do anything to date one of the sinngers named Harry. She lloked at her alarm clock 6:28. "Time for brakefast," said a voice full of glee. "Comeing mom," said Rachael getting out of bed.



"Ahh," shreeked Mat loudly. The sound of gunshots woke him up. Mat looked at his alarm clock 6:28. He had seven mineuts to get out of the house before his family woke up. Mat sliped on some b-ball shorts and a t-shirt put on his sneakers.

Four Hours Later

Rachael was riding in her parents Limo. As they drove Rachael Looked out the window just in time to see a boy about her age walking down the freeway. he hat a t-shirt b-ball shorts and sneakers. Rachael was wearing a black dress which her father said it looked like it went though a shredder. But she didn't mind."Look out," said her father then the car swerved and she felt the car go off the road.


Mat walked taward the city. the only car that npased his was a limozien. Ten seconds latter the car swerved and crashed of the side of the road. Mat using the rest of his energy ran to the wreak. there he helped a fine gentalman and a lady out of the limo. the gentalman went to cheak on the shofer. The lady told met that there little girl Rachael was in there. Mat climbed into the limo and helped find Rachael and pull her out."Ahh,' politly yelled the gentalman mat ran over and saw that the shofer was dead. Mat asked the gentalman if his family would like to walk with him to the city and the gentalman agreed.


Harry saw a load of roamers out side the gun store. The man went to go get some supplys fron the back with Will. the man and will came out fully arsonaled with gun bags from head to tow. Will pased Harry and the boy a knife and a pistol. and out they went. Harry and the group hurried as fast as they could from the rotters. They went out the other side of the city hoping to not find more rotters. Harry noticed a group of people walking down the highway they stoped to meet the people. Harry and Will both where speachless. even though she was scraped up she still looked like a beutiful rose. they continued down the road with there new found members after giving them knifes and pistols.

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