Warning Everypony

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As Breezylight walked around Ponyville to warn ponies about the Rainbow Factory, she saw three fillies hopping around in joy. Breezylight walked up to them. "Hey, excuse me,"Breezylight said. The three fillies turned to her. "Hey look, it might be the alicorn Twilight's been talking about,"The yellow earth pony filly with a bow on her head said. "That sure is,"The orange pegasi filly said. Breezylight looked at them and notice they almost had matching cutie marks, the only difference is the middle of them. "Wow, nice cutie marks," Breezylight said. "Thanks, we barely got them yesterday,"The white unicorn filly said. "Do you have a cutie mark???"The orange pegasi filly asked. "No, not yet," Breezylight said. "Cheer up, your probably a late-bloomer, you'll get your cutie mark someday"The white unicorn filly reassured her. "Thanks," Breezylight said. "Well let's introduce ourselves, I'm Scootaloo, and this is Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom, and we are the Cutie Mark Crusaders, "The orange pegasi said pointy to her unicorn then earth pony friend. "Nice to meet you, I'm Breezylight"Breezylight introduced herself. "So how are you an alicorn???"Apple Bloom asked. "Just born this way"Breezylight replied. "Oh,"  Apple Bloom said. Breezylight forgot why she was there for. "Oh yeah, I need to warn you guys about the Rainbow Factory," Breezylight said. "Why," Apple Bloom asked. "Because you could get hurt or killed there"Breezylight replied. "Oh no!!!"Sweetie Belle gasped. "So if you see a brownish-grayish unicorn stallion with a black mane and black and white stars as his cutie mark, stay away from him,"Breezylight said "Ok, we'll stay away from him, "Scootaloo said. "Ok, and spread the word, but for now, goodbye, "Breezylight said. "Bye," The three fillies said at the same time. Breezylight then started to walk away.

Breezylight continued walking and noticed two mares talking. Breezylight walked up to them. "Hi, I need to tell you something," Breezylight said. The two mares turned to her, one of them looks really energetic while the other looks stressed. "Ok but before, I'll need to introduce myself, my name is Ellen and this is my friend here Milly,"The energetic mare said quickly. "Wow, I bet she likes to talk"Breezylight thought. "Look, I need to warn you about the Rainbow Factory," Breezylight said. "Why???"Milly asked. "Because you might get hurt or killed there"Breezylight replied. Ellen jumped onto Milly, having her hooves around her frightened. "So if you see a brown-grayish unicorn with a black mane and tail and has black and white stars as his cutie mark, stay away from him, "Breezylight said. "Ok, thanks for the warning,"Milly said as. she took Ellen off her. "Well alright, nice meeting you,"Breezylight said. "Oh wait, how are you an alicorn???"Ellen asked before Breezylight started to walk away. "Just born this way"Breezylight replied. "And what's your name???"Milly added. "Breezylight," She said. "Well, nice to meet you," Milly said. Breezylight nodded. "Well I gotta go and warn a couple of ponies, oh, and spread the word," Breezylight said "Alright goodbye,"Milly said. As she and Ellen started waving. Breezylight waved back then started walking away. "Hmm, I need to warn somepony that can warn everypony else, and maybe Celestia, oh yeah!!! Twilight, why haven't I thought of that before"Breezylight thought. She started running to Twilight's castle.

Breezylight arrived to Twilight's castle. She knocked on the door. Breezylight waited patiently until a purple alicorn opened the door. "Oh, hi Breezylight, you need anything???"Twilight asked. "I need to warn you about something"Breezylight said. "Yeah, sure, what is it???"Twilight asked. "There is this place called the Rainbow Factory, my friends and I have been kidnapped by a stallion named Robo, we managed to escape now I'm here to warn you"Breezylight explained. "Well what's so bad about it anyway???"Twilight asked. "I've been told that they kill ponies  so they can make rainbows out of their blood"Breezylight replied. Twilight gasped. "Describe this stallion again, I'll be needing to report this to Princess Celestia, and maybe get some guards around town"Twilight said. "His name is Robo, he is a brownish-grayish unicorn stallion with a black mane and tail and his cutie are white and black stars"Breezylight said. "Thank you for reporting this, I'll spread the word and tell the other princesses immediately"Twilight said. Breezylight nodded. "Well goodbye"Breezylight said. "Goodbye, and be careful"Twilight said. She went inside as Breezylight started to walk the opposite direction.

It was almost dusk, Breezylight started to walk to her house. As she went in, she saw her friends. "Hey guys" Breezylight said. "How'd it go???"Matt asked. "I did pretty alright, at least other ponies gets to know what's going on"Breezylight said. Emmet walked up to her. "Did you tell Twilight???"Emmet asked. Breezylight nodded nervously after what happen that morning. Breezylight yawned. "Well, I should be going to bed, it was a pretty long day"Breezylight said. "Alright, sleep well"Unikitty said. "Goodnight everypony"Breezylight said. She started going up stairs to her room. She walked into her room then jumped on her bed. She closed her eyes, then rest will take over. "I wonder what would happen to the other affected ponies, will they be caught??? If only there is a way to help them"Breezylight thought.

My Little Pony Crossovers: Breezylight's Story [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now