Saving The Two Kidnapped Ponies

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Breezylight woke up, worried about the two ponies. She ran downstairs and saw her friends. "We have to save them,"Matt said. "I know"Spongebob agreed. "Guess we have to save them,"Safari said. "Yeah, but what if one of us get killed at the Rainbow Factory???"Breezylight said. "We know but we can't just leave them there and let them die," Matt said. "I suppose you're right," Breezylight said.

Emmet teleported them to the Rainbow Factory. "Ok, so where are they???"Emmet asked in a whisper as they started crouching down. "They were at a place with boxes near them, in a hallway of cages" Breezylight whispered. They started following Breezylight in a crouch. As they were crouching, Breezylight looked around then saw an old, bloodied poster of a pony with bloody tears. "Guys... Look, I see them"Unikitty whispered. They looked at the same direction and saw the two kidnapped ponies. The mare noticed them then muffled. They stood up, then Breezylight held one of the bars. "Don't worry, we're here to save you..."Breezylight murmured, loud enough for them to hear. "Who's there???"A voice came from the other side of the hallway. It was the same stallion that been spared for his life. "We're sorry, "Chirpy said. "What the..."Matt said. "Who are you guys???"The stallion asked nervously. "Look... We're here to save these two kidnapped ponies" Emmet said. "Oh sorry about that... I'm Gadget"The stallion said. "Well, I'm Emmet, this is my girlfriend, Lucy, and my friends, Matt, Chirpy, Spongebob, May Doo, Unikitty, Safari, and Breezylight," Emmet said as he pointed at each of them. "So may we save the two ponies, "Chirpy asked. "Yes but be really quiet so nopony can hear you"Gadget nodded. "Ok," Emmet said. Gadget walked to the door of the cell then opened it then untied the ponies then took the cloth off of their mouths. "Thank you, "The mare said. "Thanks for the help" Emmet said. "No problem"Gadget nodded. Emmet teleported them, including the two kidnapped ponies to Twilight's castle then he knocked on the door. A moment later, Twilight opened it. "Oh, hey guys... What's wrong???"Twilight asked. "We got the missing ponies," Emmet said. Twilight looked over to the two kidnapped ponies. "I can't believe it, thank you," Twilight said. So later they told her everything that they know and saw at the Rainbow Factory.

Later that day, "Well, I guess we saved the day" Emmet said as they walked into the house "Well let's get to bed, tomorrow's Halloween"Safari said. "Ok, good night" Breezylight nodded. She teleported to her room then hopped on of her bed.

My Little Pony Crossovers: Breezylight's Story [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now