Heading To Canterlot

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A few days had passed, the ponies were on their way to Canterlot, They were at the train station. Breezylight lined everypony up to double check that nopony is missing. She was walking back and forth saying the names on her list. "Emmet, check, Lucy, check, Matt, check"Breezylight continued. "Well, everyponies here, we're good to go," Breezylight said. "Yay, alright"Emmy cheered. "About time"Sally murmured. The ponies started walking onto the train. As they sat down, the train started moving. "Isn't this exciting??? We're going to Canterlot and I'm gonna see my family again"Lucky Gear said as he sat next to Breezylight. "Yeah, I'll see my family again too"Breezylight murmured. "Hey, what's wrong???"Lucky Gear asked. "It's nothing, just tired, that's all" Breezylight responded. "Well I don't know if I'm even tired at all, I feel like something might happen to all of Equestria, and it might be up to me to stop it"Breezylight thought. "Breezylight, is there something you want to get out of your chest???"Lucky Gear asked. "No really, I'm fine," Breezylight said. "Ok, remember, if there's anything wrong, you can talk to me,"Lucky Gear said. "Ok, thanks,"Breezylight said. As she looked out the window, she started to feel sleepy. "Guess I'm sleepy after all"Breezylight thought. She laid her head on Lucky Gear's shoulder and closed her eyes as she went to sleep.
"Breezylight, wake up"Breezylight heard. She opened her eyes then yawned a bit. "Are we there yet???"She asked after done yawning. "Yep"Lucky Gear replied. Breezylight jumped off the seat then started following the others. As she stepped out of the train, the cold night welcomed her. "Were here, hopefully Steve and Alex finds their kids"Breezylight thought. They started heading to Canterlot. As they walk, Breezylight walked up to Steve and Alex. "I hope you guys find your kids" Breezylight said. They both nodded. "Thank you," Alex said. Breezylight caught up with Emmet then saw who's been waiting for her. "My family, their here!!!"She thought. She ran to the ponies then hugged her mother for the first time in a year. "Honey, I'm so proud of you..."Her mother said. Her father and brother walked toward her and hugged her too. Emmet started walking to her father and introduced himself. "Hello, you must be Breezylight's father, I'm Emmet"Emmet said. "Wood Cutter, nice to meet you, thank you for keeping an eye on our daughter," WoodCutter said. "My pleasure"Emmet said. Lucky Gear also walked toward the ponies. "Hi Max, Hi Rose Petal, it's nice seeing you guys again, have you happen to see Neon Beat and Aqua around???"Lucky Gear asked. "Yeah, they should be on their way right now"Rose Petal said. "Hey Breezylight, are you gonna introduce us to your friends???"Max asked. "Yeah sure"Breezylight said. She pointed to each pony as she said their names. "Of course you met Emmet, This is Lucy, Emmy, Matt, Chirpy, Sally, Will, Liam, SpongeBob, Chuck, Gadget, Steve, Alex, Benny, Unikitty, Slink, Tara, May Doo, And Safari"Breezylight said. "Wow, you sure met a lot of ponies"Max said. "So, are we gonna split up a bit a check the place out???"Matt asked. "Sure, let's meet back near the castle at dawn"Emmet said. "Alright"Matt said. "Hey Emmy, wanna race with me and Tara???"Sally asked. "Sure"Emmy replied. The fillies started racing each other. Breezylight twitched her ear to hear anyone's thought of splitting up."They kinda remind me of us at the end of our journey..."Breezylight heard from Alex talking to Steve."If only Metal Beard was here"Breezylight heard Benny murmured. "Breezylight,this is our chance to spend time together again"Max said. "Yeah, we'll have a family time"Rose Petal said. "Ok"Breezylight said. She looked over her shoulder and saw Lucky Gear sitting there, just waiting. "I'm not leaving him on his own..."Breezylight thought. "Hey Lucky Gear, come with us"Breezylight said. "O.. Ok"Lucky Gear stuttered. He ran to catch up with them until he was walking next to Breezylight. "We'll find your siblings may be on the way," Breezylight said. She twitched her ear and started seeing what's way ahead of them and she recognized a pegasus and a little colt. "That's them"She thought. She started running that direction. "Wait, Breezylight, hold up!!!"Lucky Gear called out. Lucky Gear started chasing her. Breezylight kept running then stopped at a halt when she saw them. Lucky Gear also stopped then saw what Breezylight was looking at and started running toward his siblings. "Neon Beat, Aqua, we found you"Lucky Gear said in joy. He hugged them. "Where's mom and dad???"Lucky Gear asked. "Fixing up the new house"Neon Beat said. "Hi Neon Beat"Breezylight said as she hugged her. "And hello Aqua"Breezylight continued. She hugged the small colt. Her family caught up with them. "Wow Breezylight, I've never knew you were that fast before"Wood Cutter said panting. "Maybe it has to do with my new powers..."Breezylight thought. "Well what are we waiting for??? Lets go"Breezylight said.
"Well, that was fun..."Breezylight thought. They were heading to the castle to meet with the others. Dawn was rising. It was almost time for Emmet's coronation. "Hey Emmet, we're back," Breezylight said. "Ok, seems like everypony's here," Emmet said. "Let's go," Emmet said. They started walking to the castle. Breezylight looked at Steve and Alex. They both looked saddened. "Poor Steve and Alex, I don't think they found their kids yet"Breezylight thought. "Well soon we'll find them, we're about to go to Emmet coronation and whatever the future brings us, we'll get through it together," She thought to herself.

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