Chap. 1

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"Liberty!" I hear someone yell banging on my door.

"Yes." I ask in an innocent voice, opening the door for my brother.

"Are you ready to go?" He asks.

"Ricky... Ready for what?" I ask.

"OMG! Girl, you should remember! You're coming to my apartment." He answers full of sass.

"But... but... you have a room mate." I whine.

"So, you've heard and seen Connor." He reasons.

"I've never met him though."

"So, what better chance than now?"

"Urgh, fine!" I groan and go back farther into my room.

"I'll help you pack since you didn't when I called you two days ago." Ricky sasses me, for the second time.


I go in my big walk in closet and pile all of my clothes on my ground.

"What do I need?" I ask.

"Clothes, toiletries, girl stuff..." Ricky starts listing.

"No, what kind of clothes do I need for California."

"Long sleeves, yoga pants, joggers and uggs." He answers.

"Ricky..." I warn.

"Tank tops, shorts, yogas, pjs, bathing suit... Just prepare for hot, sunny weather." He finally answers seriously.

"Thank you." I say.

I quickly pack the clothes that Ricky folded for me and stuck them all in my suitcase.

"Ready, we need to be at the airport in an hour."

"Yeah, let's go!"

We load my stuff in the car and I run back in the house.

"Mom, Dad, we're ready!" I yell.

They were going to drive us to the Airport.

We all loaded the car and me and Ricky got our parents to turn on the radio.

All the way there we were singing our hearts out and goofing around.

Soon, we arrived and we walk into the right gate.

"Bye Mom!" I yell and hug her tightly.

"Bye Lib, have fun!" She says.

"Bye Daddy." I say and hug him also.

He hugs back and kisses my forehead.

"Be safe. No boyfriends." He says. "Ricky, no boys for her."

"Aye aye Dad." Ricky says mock saluting.

"Good, have a safe flight." Our parents say.

We board the plane and get as comfy as we could.

"Don't worry, you'll love L.A. and my friends." Ricky says before I drift to sleep.


"Lib!!!" I hear Ricky say in my ear and shaking me.

"I'm up! Gosh, second time today!" I state.

"Well stop sleeping around me than." He sasses.

"Whatever." I mutter.

"So..." Ricky starts.

"How are we getting to your's and Connor's?" I ask.

"He's picking us up!" Ricky says.

"Does he know we landed?" I ask.

"Of course I do." A guy says behind me.

"Connor!" Ricky yells and hugs his friend.

"You saw him two days ago." I say.

"So?" Connor says smiling at my brother.

I look away awkwardly and cross my arms loosely.

"I'm Connor Franta, you are?" He says politely.

"Liberty Dillon, but I'm sure that was unnecessary since I'm positive Ricky tells you about me because he sure tells me a lot about you and the other boys." I reply.

"You guys ready to go?" Connor asks after laughing at my remark nodding.

"Yep!" Ricky says and I nod.

Ricky and Connor walk ahead of me and I trail behind.

I feel so awkward, I'm like a third wheel. They have such a bro-mance that I might as well be trailing them on a date... Argh, I can't wait 'til things start being more natural here for me, you know get used to all the guys and California...

"Lib! Hurry up!" Ricky yells from the passenger seat of what I assumed was Connor's car.

I scurry into the back and sit behind Ricky.


It honestly was a little bit of a weird drive for me. Both the boys were vlogging and, me being me, had packed my camera in my luggage which was in the trunk.

"And welcome to our home!" They yell together and film my reaction.

I looked around and sighed.

Yup, definately where two twenty-ish year old boys lived.

I guess I should give them some credit though... It wasn't sooo bad, just laundry in a couple places and lots of take out containers.

"So, Liberty follow Connor, he'll show you your bedroom and you can have the rest of the day to unpack." Ricky says while handing me my bags.

"Okay." I say and look to the twenty year old boy in front of me.

Connor smiles at me and motions me to follow him.

"Here, you are. Me and Ricky designed it for you, you know so it wasn't so... boring." Connor says chuckling.

"Thank you." I say and walk into my room.

It was pretty well done, turquise and coral.

I'm ready for a day of unpacking...


It had literally taken me all day to unpack and get comfy in my room.

The boys ordered pizza and Connor had brought a plate to my room.

Of course during the day I wasn't just unpacking, I was setting everything up and putting my stuff in their new homes.

Also the first things done and ready were my cameras and my computer.

After I was finished up, I fell asleep.

The only difference, this time Ricky didn't wake me up.


So, I'm not getting enough votes for my new update on my other story so I'm posting this story early! *Dance Party* *Twerk* Yay!

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