Chap. 12

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"Vidcon was so much fun this year!" Connor says as we put our bags in our rooms.

I laugh and jump onto his bed and lay there.

"It was my first one so..." I trail off smiling.

"I love hanging out with the brits, Troye, Tyler and Korey." He states.

"I like that you don't only hang out with the boys." I admit.

"Why?" He asks, jumping onto the bed next to me.

"Well, I think that spending time apart does you all well, you learn things and hear new stories from everyone. Plus, if you boys end up falling out, O2L can't really continue and that's ultimately where it all started for you boys, but if one of you leave it'll still go on strong." I point out.

(Note: I solemnly swear that I wrote this before Connor's video... I'm psychic, just so you know haha)

"Actually, I want to talk to you about something... before I chose to tell the guys..." Connor trails off.

I nod and urge him to continue.

I knew it would be serious, if he was telling me because what I said reminded him of this decision of his...

"I-..." He trails off and his eyes start watering.

"Hey, Connor, whatever it is I won't judge you or anything... I love you and I just want you to be happy... No matter what it is you're about to tell me, I'll still love and support you, so will the boys." I whisper softly, gently reaching for his hand.

We both sit on the edge of his bed and I wait for him to calm down enough to tell me.

"I-I think I'm going to leave O2L." He mutters, crying quietly.

I caress his cheek softly and catch the tears spilling from his eyes.

"Okay." I say softly.

"Aren't you upset or mad at me?" He asks.

"No, of course not. I don't know why you want to leave, but I'm sure it's a serious reason."

"I'm just not happy with my videos. I'm just so busy and having to put out two videos every single week is so exhausting. Having to film multiple videos a day just so I have a video for every Monday... Having to plan so far ahead and know everything so I have content... It's just so stressful and draining. When I come home from a trip or something I want to relax, hang out with you or visit friends, I don't want to be rushing to film a couple videos... It's just so hard." He explains wiping his eyes.

"It's going to be okay Con, the boys will be okay, you'll be okay, we'll be okay and you're viewers will be okay. We all love you, we're not going to stop because you won't dedicate your life to making videos and killing yourself trying to excel at everything. Connor, you're human, we don't expect you to be some machine that can make these amazing videos appear from thin air. Everyone will understand, I promise." I sigh and hug him tightly.

"I love you..." He murmurs into my shoulder.

"I love you too."


"Guys, Connor has something to tell you." I say as I gather them all for him.

The boys were going to be staying the night so the boys could all be together.

"Okay, after lots of contemplating and stressing out... I decided that I can't keep up with O2L..." Connor admits.

"So, you're leaving?" Trevor asks.

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