Chap. 4

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Important!! If you want a dedication in my Connor story and in my Ross story and to be a character in my Connor story...

I am throwing another contest, it seems some fans of my Connor story want to be in the story, so if you want to be in the story continue reading <3

The contest is to make the best trailer for my Ross story or the best banner/edit of either Ross and Tia (Maia) or Connor and Liberty (JennxPenn)! <3

All people who enter wil be rewarded but the best one's creator gets to be in the story and not one chapter but be a main character along side O2L and Liberty <3

"Lib! Wake up! I'm going to get Ricky to come in here!" Andrea threatened.

I just dug deeper into my blankets.

She can't scare me with my own brother.

"Liberty, wakey, wakey! Jc's coming and we all need to pick him up from the airport." A soft voice said, sitting gently on my bed.

I pull my sheets from my head and see Connor.

"Don't even comment on how horrible I look." I state, smiling through my sleepiness.

"You look beautiful, now hurry and get dressed. You have like 5 minutes before Ricky creates an impatient choas in the house."

Connor gets up swiftly and heads into the livingroom.

I laugh and quickly pick out an outfit before scurrying to the washroom.

I quickly take my pjs off and put on my grey/blue long sleeve top and my high waisted blue shorts. I put on foundation and mascara and ran out of the bathroom, ready to make another friend.

"That was quicker than I thought." Ricky said teasingly.

"Haha." I say sarcastically.

"Ready to meet Jc?" Andrea asks.

"Why wouldn't I be?" I ask.

"He's a crazy twenty year old boy with a small dog." Kian says.

We all just laugh and make our way to our cars.

Alexa drove the couple and Ricky drove Connor and I.

Don't ask why all of us were going, me and Alexa asked yesterday and they answer with 'Because'.

The ride was silent. Not awkward, just quiet.

The boys seemed really excited about their friend finally coming.


"Jc!!" The boys yelled upon sighting their fellow O2L member.

"Hey!" Jc said. "I'm Jc Caylen."

He stuck out his hand for me and I looked at him.

He slowly lowered his hand and I finally couldn't hold back my smile.

"Hi, I'm Liberty." I say still laughing about how nervous he seemed.

I hugged him friendly and he was smiling again.

"You scared me there, I thought you were going to be nothing like Ricky." He said laughing along with the rest of us.

"Nope, they are like siamese twins." Connor stated putting his arm around mine and my brother's shoulders.

"Not that close." Ricky said full of his usual sass.

"Well, we should get out of here." Alexa worded after looking around at all the people staring at us.

"Yeah..." We all decided, feeling awkward.


"So you've never been to VidCon?" Jc asks.

We were all seated in the boys' livingroom.

"Nope." I reply. "This year is my first."

"I can't wait to show you around than." Connor says smiling.

I smile back.

These boys were all so sweet.

We had all been talking for what seemed like hours.

Me and Jc already acted like best friends. It's like I've known him forever.

I know for sure, he's going to be my closet friend out of all of them boys.

"Hey! Liberty, do you wanna do the Roommate Tag when we get home?" Andrea asks randomly.

"Sure." I say smiling.

"So..." Ricky started.

"Are you guys moving into a house now that there are 4 of you?" I ask.

"Yeah, actually, we're going house shopping really soon." Kian answered.

We talked a while more and I learned where all the boys were from and about their siblings.

"I'm so tired." Alexa said.

"Well, then I guess we should go." I suggest.

"Okay, and we can do our video before having a sleepover." Andrea says.

"We live together." I state.

"I know but we can do sleepover things."

"Sure... Well, bye guys, see you soon." I say.

I quickly hug Jc, Kian and Connor.

"Bye Ricky." I say hugging him longer.


Once Andrea and Kian had finally let go of eachother, us girls loaded into Alexa's car.


"Hey guys, it's Lib and you may or may not be able to tell but I'm in a new location. You can probably tell by the echo." I start my video.

Me and Andrea answered about four questions before we stopped recording.

"So, what kind of 'sleepover' things do you wanna do?" I ask, laying on my bed facing Andrea who was doing the same facing me.

"Who do you like?" She asks smiling.

"Umm, no one." I state.

"Yeah right. You've met two hot single guys in the past two days." Andrea says.

"Well, I feel Jc is more of a best friend guy and I just haven;t known them that long..."

"So... what I got out of that bull was that you kind of have a thing for Connor."

"Well, I dunno..."

"I think you should go for it. Being a girl who is dating one of those boys, they are sweet, king and hot. Other things but those are the important ones." Andrea says giggling.

"When I know him better, I promise I will inform you if I still feel the same way."

"Okay good."


We ended up watching a marathon of Nicholas Sparks.

The NoteBook

Dear John

The Lucky One

Safe Haven

There were about three empty tissue boxs and two empty ice cream containers.

"He is just so perfect!" I sob into Andrea's shoulder as she does the same.

"I know!" She cries.

And those were the positions we fell asleep in. Next to eachother with faces of dry tears.

Yes, the perks of having best friends who love everything you do.


So, I updated! School is almost here so chapters will be slow. I'm sorry! Maybe I'll have a couple good days when I update three chapters!? Love you guys!

Please vote, the more votes the quicker I upload again!  Fan, Comment, Vote... I love reading your feed back and opinions but hate will be deleted <3

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