Missing Pieces

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Grrrr ggrrrr~
She was hungry. Wait no--scratch that. She was starving. Her stomach was giving her a constant reminder of how hun--starving she was. Star couldn't take it. The blonde sighed, digging for spare change in her small, dirt covered purse. Her backpack was pretty empty. It only contained one extra outfit, a brush, and a few other random things.
Star had her ways. She used her intelligence to survive. The thing is...she was only smart on the streets. Don't even ask about school. She didn't bother asking for money from anyone because then she'd feel awfully guilty for days. Even weeks. Maybe. She learned that the hard way. The blue eyed, young teen, had to learn to become independent by herself. By now she was used to it, but when she was younger it was very difficult and terrifying. The streets were also very terrifying. She taught herself how to know what was right from wrong and was now an expert at pointing out the right and the wrong. Another thing she had to learn the hard way. The blonde usually contemplated about giving up. A very hot topic in her mind actually. Something she considered every single night. Right after she found a nice place to sleep. Usually not very nice though. There were so many things she had to do in a span of twenty four hours. It was overwhelming for a juvenile teen. It wasn't fair either. What did she do to deserve a life like this? Whatever she did, she didn't remember. Any of it. It was like..a part of her was missing...was just..gone. She couldn't connect the dots and she hated herself for it. Who was her mother? Father? What about her past? Nope. Nothing. Nada. Every time the poor blonde remembered this (which was constantly), all she could do was sigh. That's honestly all she could do.
"Star!" A girl with a green beanie on waved her over. It was Janna. She had known the mischievous teenager for about a year. Janna was the only person at school that knew about her situation. The only problem was that Janna loved to pretend that Star didn't exist. In school especially.
"Hi!" Star said as she approached the other girl. She was only friends with her for the food. The bubbly teen was pretty bad at pretending. Especially when it came to friendships since she didn't really have any real friends. It was difficult to bargain with the dark haired girl but, Star, once again, had her ways.
"Do you have it?" Star asked, eyes sparkling.
"Yeah. This time free of charge."
Star admired how cool Janna acted all the time. There was something very mysterious about her only "friend".
"Yeah don't worry about it." The brown-eyed girl smirked playfully.
"Thanks so much Jan!" Star managed a smile.
Janna nodded, tossing her a small bag of carrots.
"I told you to stop calling me that Star Butterfly." She chuckled & walked away, turning into an alleyway. Very mysterious.
A bag of carrots. It was a pretty decent meal. Star actually felt thankful to have Janna in her life. Then she remembered that brunette boy. Another mystery to her. What was his name again? Oh yeah. Marco.

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