Special Someone

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"Yes!!" Star breathed out, opening her locker door. After 5 minutes of trying, she had successfully gotten her locker door to open. She had never opened or owned a locker before so it was quite a challenge for her to figure out her passcode and open it. Out of the corner of her eye she saw a girl rolling towards her on a skateboard.
"Hey Star Butterfly! Nice shoes!" The light blonde haired girl waved and smiled.
Star seemed a little surprised that a popular looking girl would acknowledge her like that. Eventually she returned the wave and smiled back. She had felt bad that she didn't know the aqua-eyed girl's name.
Star spun around on her heels, still looking over her shoulder and smiling, causing her to slam into someone.
"Oh my god! I'm so sorry-" The blonde looked up, realizing who it was. Marco!
"Oh! Hey Marcoo!! Sorry about that. I'm such a klutz."
The brunette nodded, not meeting her eyes. He seemed to be staring at something or someone.
Star followed his gaze that led to the same girl that acknowledged her earlier.
"Who's that??" She looked back at him and nudged him playfully, crossing her arms.
"Jackie Lynn Thomas." Marco emphasized every word dreamily and sighed.
"Let me guess...you like her?"
"More like love!" A boy giggled from behind Marco.
"Shut up Ferguson!" He face palmed, sighing loudly. "Star this is Ferguson. Ferguson this is Star."
The orange-haired boy walked up to Star and bowed, "King Fergon at your service!" He exclaimed, making the blonde laugh and extend her hand.
"I'm Star..nothing special. Very nice to meet you, your highness!" She shook his hand and grinned.
"Marco...Are you okay?" Star's expression turned a little worried.
Marco nodded, "I'm just tired. I think I have a headache."
"Oh. Sorry to hear about that." Star stretched and looked at Ferguson, "Hey Ferguson..maybe we can cheer up Marco!" She clapped her hands together excitedly.
Ferguson nodded in agreement, "How?"
"We can sing!" This wasn't going to turn out good in anyway. "I'll start." The blonde cleared her throat, closing her eyes. Marco rose an eyebrow at the two.
"I think Earth is a pretty gre-at place~" She began.
"Um..I don't know that song."
"Guys" Marco tried to get their attention.
"Oh that's okay! I'll just keep going. That's saying something, 'cause I've been through outer space."
"I like the tune." Ferg started to dance around randomly.
"I think it suits me, it's just my style~"
"Guys!" The Spanish boy stomped his foot on the ground, "This isn't helping." He marched off, waving once. "I'm gonna head home!"
Ferguson and Star exchanged glances,
"Boy is he angry." Star sighed sadly.
Over the weekend Marco had kept himself locked in his room. He occasionally came out when he needed to eat or go to the bathroom. The brunette just wasn't feeling very good. He was so upset about yelling at his friends that were only trying to cheer him up that it made his stomach hurt. Sitting on his bed and hugging his knees, he began to think. His thoughts were hurting him in an unhealthy way. Marco also began to notice some voices in his head awhile ago. They told him how unwanted he was and how he should just give up and do what he was meant to do. At first, Marco ignored them, but then it began to get even more difficult as time had passed. A part of him started to disappear. The good part. Soon the bad would overpower the good and he'd become a monster. That was what the voices had told him.
He slipped his hands through his hair and rocked back and forth. "Please go away..." The dark-haired boy cried out with his eyes shut tightly.
"What did I ever do to deserve a feeling like this?" He sniffled, lying down slowly. He hugged himself and managed to fall asleep.

"Oh Marco...you've found someone so special and you haven't realized it yet. You're a strong young boy that can fight back and win. Never give up and never let those voices control you~ Marco..Marco!!!"

Marco jolted upwards, his eyes fluttering open.
"Your dad and I made waffles!" Angie grinned, "Go get washed up and come downstairs, okay mi hijo?"
The brown-eyed boy nodded and stretched, watching his mother leave his room. He looked down, thinking about that dream he had. Has he really found someone special? If so...who?
Marco shook his head, getting out of bed. He decided to not stress about it today, but he promised himself that he wouldn't forget about it completely.
Happy belated Thanksgiving to everyone! Thanks for all the reads and comments! I didn't expect so many votes and reads. Thanks again :)
PS: made this chapter extra long for you guys!

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