Part 4

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*Carlie's POV*

My face dropped. They took her. Them.

CarlieT: No Way!

Dad: I'm only joking Carls. We are inside.

How could he! Joking about such a thing. That's just sick. Me and Niall rushed inside,avoiding all the crazy fans. When we got in,a lady in fine clothing took us to the green room. I stood at the door and glared at Dad.

"Oh Zari! I hope your alright!" He teased. I ran over and tickled him.

"Don't you ever do that AGAIN!" I shouted. He turned bright red.

"O-o-okay...S-stop!!...S-seriously!!" He chuckled. I let go as all the boys died of laughter. When we had all calmed down,A man came in gesturing for the boys to walk with him.

"Stay here, Carls..." Zayn said before walking out of the room. I watched the interview from the room.

"Well, Hello! As you all know, a particular British boy band have taken the world by storm with their single, What Makes You Beautiful. And today we have the storm makers. Here they are! GIVE IT UP FOR ONE DIRECTION!!!"

The boys walked on as the interviewer introduced them. The crowd went wild. Zari ran to sit on my lap.

"So boys, How have you been?" The interviewer said.

"Great, we have our tour coming up and all. It's gonna be just awesome." Liam started.

"And we've scheduled LOTS more meet and greets so that we get to meet all of you guys!" Zayn said,pointing at the crowd.Some girls started to scream. A man came in and instructed us to come to the side of the stage.

"And Louis, I hear you have adopted recently?" The interviewer questioned. I smiled and held Zari's hand.

"Yes. Eleanor and I have adopted two children. Carlie who is 14 and Zariah who is 3." Louis beamed when he said our names.

"Are they here?"

"Yes. They are backstage." Niall said.

"Well, ladies and gentlemen, here is Zariah and Carlie!" We walked onto the stage. There were some claps but most were staring at us. I sat next to Liam and Zari sat on Zayn's Lap.

"So,Carlie. How is it like living with Louis and Eleanor?" He turned to look at me.

"It's fun actually. We have lots of good times. Just the other night, we all watched The Parent Trap!" I said.

"And what about you,Zariah. Do you like your mum,dad and uncles?"

"Yes. Vewy much. Because Uncle Zayn has drawings on his awrm and they're funny to look at." Zari smirked,pointing to Zayn's tattoos. The interviewer chuckled.

"Well,That's all we have time for folks! See you soon." The interviewer said and we walked off. I held Dad's hand and Zari was on Liam's back. We exited out of the building to see thousands of girls screaming their names.






Some girls beckoned me in to sign their autograph books. I signed them neatly and took some pics with people. When we reached the limo,I waved at the fans and sat down next to Liam and Niall.

"How was school?" Dad asked. I turned to look at him.

"Great! I met a girl called Jenna and some boys called Reese,Caleb and Lucas. Now we are all friends." I said,beaming. Niall smirked.

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