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So I have a best friend named Joey. We've been friends since the 5th grade and now we are Juniors (11th). Yup a long time, so six years of friendship. I actually mentioned him in the last chapter by name but thats not first time I've mentioned him. I don't remember exactly what chapters I've mentioned him I just know I did.
I'm just going to tell you a little about our friendship from my point of veiw.
I've on and off liked him for pretty much our whole friendship and 99% of the time he didn't even noticed... For years I've watched him date pretty much all my best friends and other girls. And I just sat on the sidelines like the good best friend I am and kept my feelings to myself... I even helped him when he had girl problems and help him get with other girls even when i liked because I'm that good of a friend... But lately I getting sick of sitting on the sideline for so many years and not doing anything about it

So I did something about it. What I didn't wasn't right but I couldn't take anymore. Kassy and Joey have been on and off dating since the 8th grade and I watched the realationship kinda fall apart not once, not twice, but three times. I didn't think it was fair, this year they were going for a fourth time when school started, I was willing to get them together even though I liked Joey since the beginning of the summer and when I knew they were not going to last very long.

Then I realized that she just kept getting what I really wanted and I was giving it to her on a silver platter. Right when I going to take the platter away, she started to push it away. Joey had betrayed her trust. He told her that she was the only one he liked (which was true at the time) but he was talking to other girls (me being one) kassy had some messages from between him and Raman Noddles (let's call her Raman for short) (I've mentioned her before) when she showed me the messages between him and Raman I was just as hurt as she was, I just didn't show it.

I didnt know what to do so I just kept quite about what was happening between me and Joey, I didn't want her to get hurt even more. I should've told her before. Because she found out later what we did. She felt betrayed because that's what I did, I betrayed her. I felt terrible about it.

Now I don't know how I feel. Since me and joey were no longer her friends, we became closer, a lot closer. So close that he started to noticed my feelings for him. I denied every time he asked if I was catching feelings. I didn't even noticed he was catching feeling too, because I was too worried hiding mine, until he told me he liked me. So I told him the truth about my feelings...

And that's I where I am right now in my life.


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