Fuck Your Chicken Strips

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Haha Fuck your chicken strips

So kassy came up to me today and accused me of saying things I didn't say and she was like "oh someone told me that you were talking shit on your bus" um excuse me, I'm not stupid

Caitlin was the one who told her
Because Caitlin the only one on my bus that's her friend.

Yeah Caitlin is just making up things again but if she believes Caitlin I feel bad for her
Caitlin is a Pathological liar
She saying that I said if she and joey got together that I would hurt her.. Haha that's cute why would I even give either of you the time of day.

And she was gonna do an interview or a freshman recruitment video for school and she comes and says "oh I don't want to do the recruitment video because I'm going to mess up what I'm going to say because I'm mad at you" Excuse me was that supposed to offend me because it didn't it and we didnt need you, plus we perfectly fine without you.
And she was so mad when sabryna called her out for being childish/immature Because sweetheart like it or not, sabryna was right. And you tried to call her out for picking sides. She was defending me and that's what good and caring people do.

There's one thing for sure I give up caring for kassy
If she doesn't want me to then fine I won't
But when the world is crashing down on her and everyone leaves... She won't even have the luxury of me caring
I'm done, I'm completely done with you lol I hope your happy now


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