*Cries In Spanish*

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I decided not to give to letter to Alex...
I don't feel it's right...

Did I ever mention how much I love pockets... My mom just brought me a pair of jeggings
I hate jeggings! THEY DONT HAVE FRONT POCKETS!! WHAT KIND OF BULLSHIT IS THIS!! I'm going to spontaneously combust... I hate not having front pockets. #firstworldproblems

This title got me fifty shades of fuck up... I saw the picture and died of laughter...

"i don't think looks should even matter
so what if they're not attractive
people should like someone for they personality not their looks
To most people my crush isnt very attractive but i dont care about looks. i think its just rude, why would you not like someone just because he/she isnt a 10 on the attractive scale. im attracted to my crush because of his awkward personality and the nice way he actually treats me.
shouldnt everyone think of people like this"
I wrote this because I was mad at a picture I saw

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