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I snigger.

"Claudette. Tea!" I stand up and narrow my eyes. I strut my hip outwards.

"I'M NOT YOU'RE HOUSE KEEPER DEAR!" I screech in an excellent imitation of Mrs Hudson. As I saunter off to the kitchen (covered in dead bugs) there is a knock on the door.

"COO EE!" Mrs Hudson calls.

"Speaking of the devil."

"Sherlock!" Uncle John cries and swings open the door. She barges in, swaying slightly.

"Whatwasallthatwiththepolice?" She asks, slurring.

"Mrs Hudson, are you drunk?" Uncle John asks.

"I had a slip of cherry. Not a lot. A shot." She yawns, falling onto the sagging settee. "What was that with the police." She repeats, her eyes rolling in her skull.

"God, she's hammered." I giggle.

"Claudette! You rude young lady. I'll get my, I'll get my husband on you. On you. He'sssss" She hisses, yawning again, wagging a finger in my direction. "A murderer. Or something like that." Slowly she rises and staggers towards me. "Stupid girl." Mrs Hudson, our land lady, the woman whom my father half killed a man for touching, swings her arm back and attempts to punch me. A she does so she misses, hits herself in the nose and falls backwards. Dad catches her and carriers her out of the flat, chucks her on the floor, then slams it in her face.

"Sherlock you can't do that!" Uncle John says, turning to my Dad whom has just saved my life from a drunk landlady.

"Why not?" He asks, resuming his position in his chair by the window.

"Because..." Uncle John starts before freezing. "It's not polite." He tells my Dad, like he is 4. He begins to chuckle and I join in. "You. Stop!" He wags his finger at Dad who is still letting a deep chuckle (which sounds slightly evil) escape his lips. I remain laughing. At the stupidity of the situation. "And you." He waggles his sausage finger in my face. This makes both Dad and I laugh again, we are behaving like bad school kids. Uncle John storms off, slamming the flat door.

"Mrs Hudson, are you ok?" There is a scream and then slap. Uncle John re enters with a heavy nose bleed.
I stifle a laugh and carry through the tea try.
Uncle John shoots me a look and I stop.
A moment later huis phone

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