Chapter 1

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"Estel! Wake up!!! It's your graduation day!!! You dont want to be late!!" I heard my mom yell from down the hall. I go to a performing arts high school in San Diego.

I got out of bed and took a shower then put on a cute little dress, some heels, a few braclets, curled my hair, and just did some cat eyes! I didn't want to go all out like some people do because after the graduation were going out to eat then the guys are going on tour for the summer and im going with them!

"Awww honey! You look gorgoues! Let me take some pictures!"

"Ayee, Mami no! You say let me take some then you take a thousand." I said in a whiny voice

"It's so when you get older you could look back to when you was younger." She said taking out her camera.

I did a few nice poses then I did some silly poses.

"Alright Mami! We gotta go!"

"Yea. Vic! Mike! Let's go!!" she screamed

"Okay mami." Vic said from upstairs. With in seconds Mike and Vic were at the top of the stairs. They weren't in suits but they looked good enough to go to a graduation.

"Looking good bros." I said smiling.

"Yea, I didn't want to over do it! I don't want to take the spotlight away from you, ya know." Vic said flipping his hair.

"Yea, okay! Is Jaime and Tony still coming?" I asked heading to the living room to get my cap and grown.

"Of course they are! It just wouldn't be right if they didn't." Mike said.

I loved having Jaime and Tony around. Jaime was just a big little kid and Tony was just the sweetest person ever.

When we got to my school Tony and Jaime was already there. They didn't have suits on either but again they looked good enough for a graduation.

"Well, looks who's here." Jaime said giving me a hug. "Congrats on finishing high school."


"Yea, Congrats Essie!" Tony said coming to give me a hug.

"Thanks Turtle. Has anyone seen Ashton?" I asked looking around for him after I gave Tony a hug. Tony's face expression changed from a smile to sort of a poker face. But anyway, me and Ashton have been dating since maybe the end of the 11th grade.

"Yea, He went inside." Jaime said pointing to the school building.

"Okay so I guess I'll meet you guys inside." Going to give everybody a group hug.

When I went inside I seem Ashton giving a girl named Becky a hug. It looked like a friendly hug you give people cause you won't see them any more so I tried to brush it off. I don't really like her though cause she thinks she's the shit and she thinks she could get any boy she wants.

"Hey Ashton!" I said walking towards him.

"Oh, hey Essie. You look beautiful!" He said looking at my outfit.

"Thanks" I said smiling.

"Hey Essie!" Becky said with her big smile.

"Oh, hi Becky." I said giving her a fake smile.

"Ashton, I'll meet up with you later." Becky said walking away,

"Okay." He said smiling at her.

Again i just brushed Becky off.

Me and Ashton talked about the summer time how were going to talk to each other everyday and promise not to cheat.

"Okay guys." My principal said. "It's time. And I just wanted to say how amazingly talented every single one of you kids are. You guys will get far in the industry. Congratulations and good luck on your future! Now let's get in line."

We got into two lines, boys and girls, and walked down the aisle. We sat down and the principal started talking about us! Then they started calling us to get out diplomas.

"Ms. Esther Fuentes" the principal said. Everybody clapped but having the brothers and friends that I do they got up and started cheering and clapping but you mainly heard Jaime.

The dean, asst. principal, and principal all had to choose the person they want to sing the national anthem at the beginning and end. Mellissa Rogers sang the first time and now it was somebody's to sing now before we end.

"Okay the person that's going to sing now is ...... Matthew Williams!" The dean said.

I was happy it wasn't me because I'm not the best at doing the last parts of the song! I mean yea I could do it and it sounds good but I crack under pressure sometimes.

When he finished we all threw our caps in the air and went outside to reunite with our families!

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